nto.cf 4.14 KB
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/* $XFree86: xc/config/cf/nto.cf,v 1.3 2000/07/07 20:06:56 tsi Exp $ */
/* Get X to build using the gcc toolchain, self hosted RTP x86 */
/* Let us try to separate the x86 stuff out of here as well... */ 

/* don't want to conflict with QSSL's Xphoton in /usr/X11R6 */
#define ProjectRoot		/opt/X11R6

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName 			QNX6/Neutrino

#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor		QNX Corp.
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		6
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		1

#if defined(i386Architecture)
#define BuildServer 		YES
#define BuildServer		NO

#define DoLoadableServer	YES

#define BourneShell		/bin/sh
#define StripInstalledPrograms	NO
#define BuildLBX		YES 
#define ForceNormalLib		YES

#define SourceDefines		-D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_QNX_SOURCE
#define CrossCompiling		NO
#define DoRanlibCmd 		YES
#define GccUsesGas		YES
#define MkdirHierCmd		mkdir -p

#ifdef UseInstalled
#define InstallCmd		install
#define InstallCmd		$(SHELL) $(CONFIGSRC)/util/install.sh
#define DefaultCCOptions	
#define LibraryCCOptions
#define ServerCCOptions		
#define LocalLibraries
#define CLibrary
#define PosixLibraries
#define ConnectionFlags 	-DTCPCONN 

#define StandardCppDefines	-traditional StandardDefines
#define PreProcessCmd		CppCmd

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES

#define HasShm			NO    /* For now as well */
#define HasSockets		YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasCbrt			NO
#define HasShadowPasswd		YES
#define HasSnprintf		YES
#define HasBSD44Sockets		YES

#define BuildHtmlManPages	NO /* We don't want HTML manpages */

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand    YES
#define CompressAllFonts        YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull      YES
#define NeedConstPrototypes     YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes  YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes    YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes   YES
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2
#define DefaultCDebugFlags	-O2

#ifndef NeedWidePrototypes
#define NeedWidePrototypes      NO

#define YaccCmd			bison -y
#define LexCmd			flex -l
#define LexLib			-lfl
#define TermcapLibrary		-lncurses
#ifndef UseStaticTermcapLib
#define UseStaticTermcapLib     NO

/* Here, we put in the #defines which are CPU-specific */
/* Note that the full paths to the tools will go away when self-hosted */

#ifdef i386Architecture
#define BootstrapCFlags		-D__QNXNTO__ -Di386
#define NTODefines		-D__i386__ -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__ -D_i386
#define CcCmd			gcc
#define CplusplusCmd		g++ -fhonor-std -fno-builtin
#define ArCmd			ar cq
#define LdCmd			ld
#define AsCmd			as
#define RanlibCmd		ranlib
#define CppCmd			/usr/bin/cpp
/* do this until NTO's cpp can support -undef in the future */
#define RawCppCmd CppCmd -Uunix -Ui386
#define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__
#define ExtraLibraries		-lsocket

/* MIPS architecture */
#ifdef mipsArchitecture
#define BootstrapCFlags		-D__QNXNTO__ -DMIPS
#define NTODefines		-D__MIPS__ -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__
#define CcCmd			/usr/gcc/ntomips/bin/gcc -bntomips -EL
#define ArCmd			/usr/gcc/bin/ar cq
#define LdCmd			/usr/gcc/bin/ld
#define AsCmd			/usr/gcc/ntomips/bin/as
#define RanlibCmd		/usr/gcc/bin/ranlib
#define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__
#define ExtraLibraries		-lsocket 

/* Power PC support */
#ifdef PPCArchitecture
#define BootstrapCFlags		-D__QNXNTO__ -DPPC
#define NTODefines		-D__PPC__ -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__
#define CcCmd			/usr/gcc/ntoppc/bin/gcc -bntoppc
#define ArCmd			/usr/gcc/bin/ar cq
#define LdCmd			/usr/gcc/bin/ld
#define AsCmd			/usr/gcc/ntoppc/bin/as
#define RanlibCmd		/usr/gcc/bin/ranlib
#define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__
#define ExtraLibraries		-lsocket

#define StandardDefines OSDefines SourceDefines NTODefines
#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerOSDefines 
#define ServerExtraDefines XFree86ServerDefines
#define ExtraFilesToClean       *.err *.map 

#include <nto.rules>
#include <xorg.cf>