/* chardata.h
Interface to some helper routines used to accumulate and check text
and attribute content.
#define XML_CHARDATA_H 1
#include "expat.h" /* need XML_Char */
typedef struct {
int count; /* # of chars, < 0 if not set */
XML_Char data[1024];
} CharData;
void CharData_Init(CharData *storage);
void CharData_AppendString(CharData *storage, const char *s);
void CharData_AppendXMLChars(CharData *storage, const XML_Char *s, int len);
int CharData_CheckString(CharData *storage, const char *s);
int CharData_CheckXMLChars(CharData *storage, const XML_Char *s);
#endif /* XML_CHARDATA_H */
Reinhard Tartler authored
Summary: Imported nx-X11-3.1.0-1.tar.gz Keywords: Imported nx-X11-3.1.0-1.tar.gz into Git repository