x386.cf 4.33 KB
XCOMM platform:  $Xorg: x386.cf,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $

 *			  Site-specfic parameters                            *

 * there are some switches to set appropriate...

#define HasGcc			YES	/* doesn't work for SVR4 */
#define HasNdbm			YES	/* correct for GNU dbm & SVR4 */
#define StripInstalledPrograms	YES
#define X386Server		YES
#define ExtensionOSDefines	-DXTESTEXT1
#define MotifBC	        	YES

 *                        Do not change anything below                       *

/* You mus manually compute BootstrapCFlags for initial build */
#define BootstrapCFlags		OSDefines OSRelease

#define StandardDefines		OSDefines OSRelease
#define LdCombineFlags		-r

#if defined(i386SVR3Architecture)

#define SystemV			YES

#define NeedBerklib		YES
#define HasSymLinks		NO

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES

 * V/386 Release 3.2
#ifdef ISC
/* INTERACTIVE UNIX Version 2.2.1 */
# define OSVendor		"Interactive System Corp."
# define OSDefines		-DISC
# define LocalLibraries		-lpt
# define PosixLibraries		-lcposix
# define SocketLibraries        -linet

#ifdef ESIX
#define OSVendor		"ESIX System Inc."
#define OSDefines		-DESIX
#define LocalLibraries		-lpt
#define SocketLibraries		-lnet -lnsl_s
#define PosixLibraries		/**/

#ifdef ATT
#define OSDefines		-DATT
#define OSVendor		"AT&T"
#define LocalLibraries		-lpt
#define SocketLibraries		-lnet -lnsl_s    /* just a guess */
#define PosixLibraries		/**/

#define OSName			Unix System V/386 Release 3.2
#define OSMajorVersion		3
#define OSMinorVersion		2
#define OSRelease		-DSYSV -DSYSV386

#if HasGcc
# define CcCmd gcc -DNO_ASM -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings
# define LibraryCcCmd gcc -DNO_ASM -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return
# define ShlibDefines -D__GNUC__ -DGNULIB=/usr/local/lib/gcc-gnulib
# define ShlibDefines /**/

#if HasSockets
/* # define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN */
# define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN
# define ExtraLibraries SocketLibraries LocalLibraries -lc_s PosixLibraries
# define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN
# define ExtraLibraries $(LIBDIR)/etc/inetemul.o LocalLibraries -lc_s PosixLibraries

/* #include <sv3Lib.rules> */  /* not working yet */

 * Man pages need to be formatted when installed, so override the default
 * imake rules.
#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest)                           @@\
install.man:: file.man                                                  @@\
	$(RM) destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX)					@@\
	cat file.man | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) >/tmp/file.man	@@\
	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/file.man destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
	$(RM) /tmp/file.man

#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest)                                   @@\
install.man:: list                                                      @@\
	@MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \				@@\
	for i in list; do \                                             @@\
		(set -x; \						@@\
		$(RM) dest/$$i; \					@@\
		cat $$i | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) >/tmp/$$i; \	@@\
		$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/$$i dest/$$i; \	@@\
		$(RM) /tmp/$$i); \					@@\

/* If you have trouble with make bombing out in Xlib, try uncommenting this. */
/* You will not get dependencies as a result, but better than nothing. */
/* #define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3) */

#endif /* i386SVR3Architecture */

 * V/386 Release 4.0
#if defined(i386SVR4Architecture)

#define SystemV4		YES

/* this is now just for Dell's one */

#ifdef DELL
#define OSDefines		-DDELL
#define OSVendor		"DELL Computer Corp."

#define OSName			Unix System V/386 Release 4.0
#define OSMajorVersion		4
#define OSMinorVersion		0
#define OSRelease		-DSVR4 -DSYSV386

#if HasGcc
# define CcCmd 		gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Di386
# if HasSharedLibraries
#  define LibraryCcCmd	cc -Xa -Di386 -Dasm=__asm
# endif
# define CcCmd		cc -Xa -Di386 -Dasm=__asm

#include <sv4Lib.rules>

#endif /* i386SVR4Architecture */

XCOMM operating system:  OSName OSVendor