glxserver.h 9.7 KB
/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/GL/glx/glxserver.h,v 1.5 2003/09/28 20:15:43 alanh Exp $ */
#include <dix-config.h>

#ifndef _GLX_server_h_
#define _GLX_server_h_

** License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are
** made subject to an alternative license as permitted in the SGI Free
** Software License B, Version 1.1 (the "License"), the contents of this
** file are subject only to the provisions of the License. You may not use
** this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
** of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 1600
** Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, or at:
** Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an
** Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation,
** Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics,
** Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated
** elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved.
** Additional Notice Provisions: The application programming interfaces
** established by SGI in conjunction with the Original Code are The
** OpenGL(R) Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1), released
** April 1, 1999; The OpenGL(R) Graphics System Utility Library (Version
** 1.3), released November 4, 1998; and OpenGL(R) Graphics with the X
** Window System(R) (Version 1.3), released October 19, 1998. This software
** was created using the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation
** published by SGI, but has not been independently verified as being
** compliant with the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Specification.

#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <misc.h>
#include <dixstruct.h>
#include <pixmapstr.h>
#include <gcstruct.h>
#include <extnsionst.h>
#include <resource.h>
#include <scrnintstr.h>
#include "GL/glx_ansic.h"

** The X header misc.h defines these math functions.
#undef abs
#undef fabs

#define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES /* we want prototypes */
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glxproto.h>
#include <GL/glxint.h>

/* For glxscreens.h */
typedef struct __GLXdrawablePrivateRec __GLXdrawablePrivate;

#include "glxscreens.h"
#include "glxdrawable.h"
#include "glxcontext.h"
#include "glxerror.h"


#ifndef True
#define True 1
#ifndef False
#define False 0

** GLX resources.
typedef XID GLXContextID;
typedef XID GLXPixmap;
typedef XID GLXDrawable;

typedef struct __GLXcontextRec *GLXContext;
typedef struct __GLXclientStateRec __GLXclientState;

extern __GLXscreenInfo *__glXActiveScreens;
extern GLint __glXNumActiveScreens;
extern __GLXscreenInfo *__glXgetActiveScreen(int num);


** The last context used (from the server's persective) is cached.
extern __GLXcontext *__glXLastContext;
extern __GLXcontext *__glXForceCurrent(__GLXclientState*, GLXContextTag, int*);

** Macros to set, unset, and retrieve the flag that says whether a context
** has unflushed commands.
#define __GLX_NOTE_UNFLUSHED_CMDS(glxc) glxc->hasUnflushedCommands = GL_TRUE
#define __GLX_NOTE_FLUSHED_CMDS(glxc) glxc->hasUnflushedCommands = GL_FALSE
#define __GLX_HAS_UNFLUSHED_CMDS(glxc) (glxc->hasUnflushedCommands)


** State kept per client.
struct __GLXclientStateRec {
    ** Whether this structure is currently being used to support a client.
    Bool inUse;

    ** Buffer for returned data.
    GLbyte *returnBuf;
    GLint returnBufSize;

    ** Keep track of large rendering commands, which span multiple requests.
    GLint largeCmdBytesSoFar;		/* bytes received so far	*/
    GLint largeCmdBytesTotal;		/* total bytes expected		*/
    GLint largeCmdRequestsSoFar;	/* requests received so far	*/
    GLint largeCmdRequestsTotal;	/* total requests expected	*/
    GLbyte *largeCmdBuf;
    GLint largeCmdBufSize;

    ** Keep a list of all the contexts that are current for this client's
    ** threads.
    __GLXcontext **currentContexts;
    GLint numCurrentContexts;

    /* Back pointer to X client record */
    ClientPtr client;

    int GLClientmajorVersion;
    int GLClientminorVersion;
    char *GLClientextensions;

extern __GLXclientState *__glXClients[];


** Dispatch tables.
typedef void (*__GLXdispatchRenderProcPtr)(GLbyte *);
typedef int (*__GLXdispatchSingleProcPtr)(__GLXclientState *, GLbyte *);
typedef int (*__GLXdispatchVendorPrivProcPtr)(__GLXclientState *, GLbyte *);

 * Dispatch for GLX commands.
typedef int (*__GLXprocPtr)(__GLXclientState *, char *pc);
extern __GLXprocPtr __glXProcTable[];

 * Tables for computing the size of each rendering command.
typedef struct {
    int bytes;
    int (*varsize)(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
} __GLXrenderSizeData;
extern __GLXrenderSizeData __glXRenderSizeTable[];
extern __GLXrenderSizeData __glXRenderSizeTable_EXT[];


** X resources.
extern RESTYPE __glXContextRes;
extern RESTYPE __glXClientRes;
extern RESTYPE __glXPixmapRes;
extern RESTYPE __glXDrawableRes;


** Prototypes.

extern char *__glXcombine_strings(const char *, const char *);

** Routines for sending swapped replies.

extern void __glXSwapMakeCurrentReply(ClientPtr client,
				      xGLXMakeCurrentReply *reply);
extern void __glXSwapIsDirectReply(ClientPtr client,
				   xGLXIsDirectReply *reply);
extern void __glXSwapQueryVersionReply(ClientPtr client,
				       xGLXQueryVersionReply *reply);
extern void __glXSwapQueryContextInfoEXTReply(ClientPtr client,
					      xGLXQueryContextInfoEXTReply *reply,
					      int *buf);
extern void glxSwapQueryExtensionsStringReply(ClientPtr client,
				xGLXQueryExtensionsStringReply *reply, char *buf);
extern void glxSwapQueryServerStringReply(ClientPtr client,
				xGLXQueryServerStringReply *reply, char *buf);

 * Routines for computing the size of variably-sized rendering commands.

extern int __glXTypeSize(GLenum enm);
extern int __glXImageSize(GLenum format, GLenum type,
    GLenum target, GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLsizei d,
    GLint imageHeight, GLint rowLength, GLint skipImages, GLint skipRows,
    GLint alignment);

extern int __glXCallListsReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXBitmapReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXFogfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXFogivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXLightfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXLightivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXLightModelfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXLightModelivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMaterialfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMaterialivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexParameterfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexParameterivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexImage1DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexImage2DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexEnvfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexEnvivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexGendvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexGenfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexGenivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMap1dReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMap1fReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMap2dReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXMap2fReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXPixelMapfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXPixelMapuivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXPixelMapusvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXDrawPixelsReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXDrawArraysSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXPrioritizeTexturesReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexSubImage1DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexSubImage2DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXTexImage3DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap );
extern int __glXTexSubImage3DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXConvolutionFilter1DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXConvolutionFilter2DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXConvolutionParameterivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXConvolutionParameterfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXSeparableFilter2DReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXColorTableReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXColorSubTableReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXColorTableParameterfvReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXColorTableParameterivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);

 * Routines for computing the size of returned data.
extern int __glXConvolutionParameterivSize(GLenum pname);
extern int __glXConvolutionParameterfvSize(GLenum pname);
extern int __glXColorTableParameterfvSize(GLenum pname);
extern int __glXColorTableParameterivSize(GLenum pname);

extern int __glXPointParameterfvARBReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);
extern int __glXPointParameterivReqSize(GLbyte *pc, Bool swap);

#endif /* !__GLX_server_h__ */