Commit 07052a25 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

nxdialog: allow to provide --parent 0 for testing

Agent PID 0 can be used for testing
parent acffe15b
......@@ -234,11 +234,13 @@ def handle_session_action(agentpid, action):
if action == DISCONNECT:
print("Disconnecting from session, sending SIGHUP to %s" % (agentpid))
os.kill(agentpid, signal.SIGHUP)
if agentpid != 0:
os.kill(agentpid, signal.SIGHUP)
elif action == TERMINATE:
print("Terminating session, sending SIGTERM to process %s" % (agentpid))
os.kill(agentpid, signal.SIGTERM)
if agentpid != 0:
os.kill(agentpid, signal.SIGTERM)
elif action is None:
......@@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ class NxDialogProgram(object):
if dlgtype in (DLG_TYPE_PULLDOWN,
DLG_TYPE_YESNO) and not self.options.agentpid:
DLG_TYPE_YESNO) and self.options.agentpid is None:
sys.stderr.write("Agent pid not supplied via --parent\n")
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