Commit 11b2b067 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Keyboard.c: rework string allocation/building

parent a0e985fb
......@@ -534,7 +534,6 @@ static void nxagentCheckXkbBaseDirectory(void)
static char *nxagentXkbGetRules()
int ret;
int size, sizeDflt, sizeAlt;
char *path;
struct stat buf;
......@@ -543,19 +542,11 @@ static char *nxagentXkbGetRules()
sizeDflt = strlen(XKB_DFLT_RULES_FILE);
sizeAlt = strlen(XKB_ALTS_RULES_FILE);
size = strlen(XkbBaseDirectory) + strlen("/rules/");
size += (sizeDflt > sizeAlt) ? sizeDflt : sizeAlt;
if ((path = malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(char))) == NULL)
if (-1 == asprintf(&path, "%s/rules/%s", XkbBaseDirectory, XKB_DFLT_RULES_FILE))
FatalError("nxagentXkbGetRules: malloc failed.");
strcpy(path, XkbBaseDirectory);
strcat(path, "/rules/");
strcat(path, XKB_DFLT_RULES_FILE);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentXkbGetRules: checking rules file [%s]\n", path);
......@@ -572,11 +563,16 @@ static char *nxagentXkbGetRules()
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentXkbGetRules: WARNING! Failed to stat file [%s]: %s.\n", path, strerror(ret));
path = NULL;
if (-1 == asprintf(&path, "%s/rules/%s", XkbBaseDirectory, XKB_ALTS_RULES_FILE))
FatalError("nxagentXkbGetRules: malloc failed.");
strcpy(path, XkbBaseDirectory);
strcat(path, "/rules/");
strcat(path, XKB_ALTS_RULES_FILE);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentXkbGetRules: checking rules file [%s]\n", path);
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