Commit 35f6b32c authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

NXproperty.c:add debug output

parent 6cdddadf
......@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ typedef struct
#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef TEST
#undef DEBUG
ProcChangeProperty(ClientPtr client)
......@@ -563,15 +568,25 @@ GetWindowProperty(pWin, property, longOffset, longLength, delete,
unsigned long n, len, ind;
if (!pWin)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid window\n", __func__);
return BadWindow;
if (!ValidAtom(property))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid atom [%d]\n", __func__, property);
if ((type != AnyPropertyType) && !ValidAtom(type))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid type [%d]\n", __func__, type);
......@@ -588,7 +603,12 @@ GetWindowProperty(pWin, property, longOffset, longLength, delete,
if (!pProp)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: property not found [%d]\n", __func__, property);
return (BadAtom);
/* If the request type and actual type don't match. Return the
property information, but not the data. */
......@@ -615,6 +635,9 @@ GetWindowProperty(pWin, property, longOffset, longLength, delete,
if (n < ind)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: negative property len\n", __func__);
return BadValue;
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