Commit 3b508010 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

manpage: add -class

(partially) fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#666
parent 0b454d2d
......@@ -216,6 +216,38 @@ connection in each new generation. If the user selects full
regeneration, even the top-level window and the connection to the real
server will be regenerated for each server generation.
.TP 8
.B \-class \fIstring\fP
This option specifies the default visual class of the nested server.
It is similar to the
.B \-cc
option from the set of standard options except that it will accept a string
rather than a number for the visual class specification.
.I string
must be one of the following six values:
.BR StaticGray ,
.BR GrayScale ,
.BR StaticColor ,
.BR PseudoColor ,
.BR TrueColor ,
.BR DirectColor .
If both the
.B \-class
.B \-cc
options are specified, the last instance of either option takes precedence.
The class of the default visual of the nested server need not be the same as the
class of the default visual of the real server, but it must be supported by the
real server.
.BR xdpyinfo (__appmansuffix__)
to obtain a list of supported visual classes on the real server before
starting \fBnxagent\fR. If the user chooses a static class, all the
colors in the default color map will be preallocated. If the user
chooses a dynamic class, colors in the default color map will be
available to individual clients for allocation.
.TP 8
.B \-deferglyphs \fIwhichfonts\fP
specifies the types of fonts for which the server should attempt to use
deferred glyph loading. \fIwhichfonts\fP can be all (all fonts),
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