Commit 3b62184a authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Keyboard.c: improve creation of keyboard config file

It will now create better working config files. References: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#239 ArcticaProject/nx-libs#368
parent fb31220f
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static int nxagentXkbGetNames(char **rules, char **model, char **layout,
static void nxagentKeycodeConversionSetup(char *rules, char *model);
void nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(unsigned int ruleslen, char *rules, char *model, char *layout, char *variant, char *options);
void nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(char *rules, char *model, char *layout, char *variant, char *options);
#endif /* XKB */
......@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ XkbError:
nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(remoteruleslen, remoterules, remotemodel, remotelayout, remotevariant, remoteoptions);
nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(remoterules, remotemodel, remotelayout, remotevariant, remoteoptions);
nxagentKeycodeConversionSetup(remoterules, remotemodel);
if (remoterules)
......@@ -1588,10 +1588,32 @@ static int nxagentXkbGetNames(char **rules, char **model, char **layout,
return n;
void nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(unsigned int ruleslen, char *rules, char *model, char *layout, char *variant, char *options)
void writeKeyboardfileData(FILE *out, char *rules, char *model, char *layout, char *variant, char *options)
if (ruleslen)
How to set "empty" values with setxkbmap, result of trial and error:
- model and layout: empty strings are accepted by setxkbmap.
- rules: setxkbmap will fail if rules is an empty string
(code will intercept in an earlier stage in that case)
- variant: the variant line must be omitted completely.
- options: prepend value with "," to override, otherwise options will be added.
fprintf(out, "rules=\"%s\"\n", rules);
fprintf(out, "model=\"%s\"\n", model ? model : "");
fprintf(out, "layout=\"%s\"\n", layout ? layout : "");
if (variant && variant[0] != '\0')
fprintf(out, "variant=\"%s\"\n", variant);
fprintf(out, "options=\",%s\"\n", options ? options : "");
void nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(char *rules, char *model, char *layout, char *variant, char *options)
if (rules && rules[0] != '\0')
#ifdef DEBUG
writeKeyboardfileData(stderr, rules, model, layout, variant, options);
char *sessionpath = nxagentGetSessionPath();
if (sessionpath)
......@@ -1605,18 +1627,8 @@ void nxagentWriteKeyboardFile(unsigned int ruleslen, char *rules, char *model, c
if ((keyboard_file = fopen(keyboard_file_path, "w")))
if (rules)
fprintf(keyboard_file, "rules=\"%s\"\n", rules[0] == '\0' ? "," : rules);
if (model)
fprintf(keyboard_file, "model=\"%s\"\n", model[0] == '\0' ? "," : model);
if (layout)
fprintf(keyboard_file, "layout=\"%s\"\n", layout[0] == '\0' ? "," : layout);
/* FIXME: this is not correct. We need to match the number of
comma separated values between variant and layout */
if (variant)
fprintf(keyboard_file, "variant=\"%s\"\n", variant[0] == '\0' ? "," : variant);
if (options)
fprintf(keyboard_file, "options=\"%s\"\n", options[0] == '\0' ? "," : options);
writeKeyboardfileData(keyboard_file, rules, model, layout, variant, options);
fprintf(stderr, "Info: keyboard file created: '%s'\n", keyboard_file_path);
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