Commit 40c243fd authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Clipboard.c: add clientCLIPBOARD variable

the MakeAtom call previously used is as good as using a variable but with the variable it is a) easier to read/understand and b) consistent with the other client* variables.
parent ee5cf733
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ static Atom clientTIMESTAMP;
static Atom clientTEXT;
static Atom clientCOMPOUND_TEXT;
static Atom clientUTF8_STRING;
static Atom clientCLIPBOARD;
static char szAgentTARGETS[] = "TARGETS";
static char szAgentTEXT[] = "TEXT";
......@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ static char szAgentTIMESTAMP[] = "TIMESTAMP";
static char szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT[] = "COMPOUND_TEXT";
static char szAgentUTF8_STRING[] = "UTF8_STRING";
static char szAgentCLIPBOARD[] = "CLIPBOARD";
/* number of milliseconds to wait for a conversion from the real X server. */
......@@ -377,6 +379,7 @@ void nxagentPrintClipboardStat(char *header)
fprintf(stderr, " clientTEXT [% 4d][%s]\n", clientTEXT, NameForAtom(clientTEXT));
fprintf(stderr, " clientCOMPOUND_TEXT [% 4d][%s]\n", clientCOMPOUND_TEXT, NameForAtom(clientCOMPOUND_TEXT));
fprintf(stderr, " clientUTF8_STRING [% 4d][%s]\n", clientUTF8_STRING, NameForAtom(clientUTF8_STRING));
fprintf(stderr, " clientCLIPBOARD [% 4d][%s]\n", clientCLIPBOARD, NameForAtom(clientCLIPBOARD));
fprintf(stderr, " clientCutProperty [% 4d][%s]\n", clientCutProperty, NameForAtom(clientCutProperty));
fprintf(stderr, " nxagentLastRequestedSelection [% 4d][%s]\n", nxagentLastRequestedSelection, NameForAtom(nxagentLastRequestedSelection));
......@@ -1564,7 +1567,7 @@ void nxagentSetSelectionCallback(CallbackListPtr *callbacks, void *data,
if ((pCurSel->pWin != NULL) &&
(nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardNone) && /* FIXME: shouldn't we also check for != ClipboardClient? */
((pCurSel->selection == XA_PRIMARY) ||
(pCurSel->selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))))
(pCurSel->selection == clientCLIPBOARD)))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: calling nxagentSetSelectionOwner\n", __func__);
......@@ -1912,7 +1915,7 @@ int nxagentConvertSelection(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, Atom selection,
if ((GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime) >= CONVERSION_TIMEOUT)
lastClientReqTime = GetTimeInMillis();
if (selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))
if (selection == clientCLIPBOARD)
selection = lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection;
......@@ -2048,7 +2051,7 @@ int nxagentSendNotify(xEvent *event)
* X servers (defined in Xatom.h).
if (event->u.selectionNotify.selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))
if (event->u.selectionNotify.selection == clientCLIPBOARD)
eventSelection.selection = lastSelectionOwner[nxagentClipboardSelection].selection;
......@@ -2274,6 +2277,7 @@ Bool nxagentInitClipboard(WindowPtr pWin)
clientCOMPOUND_TEXT = MakeAtom(szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT, strlen(szAgentCOMPOUND_TEXT), True);
clientUTF8_STRING = MakeAtom(szAgentUTF8_STRING, strlen(szAgentUTF8_STRING), True);
clientTIMESTAMP = MakeAtom(szAgentTIMESTAMP, strlen(szAgentTIMESTAMP), True);
clientCLIPBOARD = MakeAtom(szAgentCLIPBOARD, strlen(szAgentCLIPBOARD), True);
clientCutProperty = MakeAtom(szAgentNX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT,
strlen(szAgentNX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT), True);
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