Commit 4988e9bd authored by Alan Coopersmith's avatar Alan Coopersmith Committed by Ulrich Sibiller

Fix very weird indenting in nx-X11/lib/X11/GetFProp.c

parent 001aeb55
......@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@ in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
#include "Xlibint.h"
Bool XGetFontProperty (
XFontStruct *fs,
register Atom name,
unsigned long *valuePtr)
/* XXX this is a simple linear search for now. If the
protocol is changed to sort the property list, this should
become a binary search. */
protocol is changed to sort the property list, this should
become a binary search. */
register XFontProp *prop = fs->properties;
register XFontProp *last = prop + fs->n_properties;
while (prop != last) {
if (prop->name == name) {
*valuePtr = prop->card32;
return (1);
return (0);
if (prop->name == name) {
*valuePtr = prop->card32;
return (1);
return (0);
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