Commit 4ebd5fcd authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Rootless.c: cleanup function prototypes

parent 6d62b2c0
......@@ -198,8 +198,6 @@ void nxagentRootlessDelTopLevelWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
Window nxagentRootlessWMTopLevelWindow(WindowPtr pWin);
void nxagentConfigureRootlessWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw,
WindowPtr pSib, int stack_mode, Mask mask)
......@@ -409,8 +407,7 @@ Window nxagentRootlessWindowParent(WindowPtr pWin)
int nxagentExportAllProperty(pWin)
WindowPtr pWin;
int nxagentExportAllProperty(WindowPtr pWin)
int total = 0;
......@@ -428,12 +425,13 @@ int nxagentExportAllProperty(pWin)
return total;
int nxagentExportProperty(pWin, property, type, format, mode, nUnits, value)
WindowPtr pWin;
Atom property, type;
int format, mode;
unsigned long nUnits;
void *value;
int nxagentExportProperty(WindowPtr pWin,
Atom property,
Atom type,
int format,
int mode,
unsigned long nUnits,
void *value)
char *output = NULL;
Bool export = False;
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