Commit 4f76ed19 authored by Adam Jackson's avatar Adam Jackson Committed by Mike Gabriel

dix: Extend initial connection handshake for forwarding proxies

commit 78fa121f4097d29458e5453c13473595df06e26e Author: Adam Jackson <> Date: Fri Jun 17 13:43:38 2011 -0400 dix: Extend initial connection handshake for forwarding proxies Forwarding proxies like sshd will appear to be local, even though they aren't really. This leads to weird behaviour for extensions that truly require running under the same OS services as the client, like MIT-SHM and DRI2. Add two new legal values for the initial connection's byteOrder field, 'r' and 'R'. These act like 'l' and 'B' respectively, but have the side effect of forcing the client to be treated as non-local. Forwarding proxies should attempt to munge the first packet of the connection accordingly; older servers will reject connections thusly munged, so the proxy should fall back to passthrough if the munged connection attempt fails. Reviewed-by: 's avatarDaniel Stone <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Jackson <> Backported-to-NX-by: 's avatarMike Gabriel <>
parent ed52cb29
......@@ -3752,12 +3752,14 @@ ProcInitialConnection(register ClientPtr client)
register xConnClientPrefix *prefix;
int whichbyte = 1;
char order;
prefix = (xConnClientPrefix *)((char *)stuff + sz_xReq);
if ((prefix->byteOrder != 'l') && (prefix->byteOrder != 'B'))
order = prefix->byteOrder;
if (order != 'l' && order != 'B' && order != 'r' && order != 'R')
return (client->noClientException = -1);
if (((*(char *) &whichbyte) && (prefix->byteOrder == 'B')) ||
(!(*(char *) &whichbyte) && (prefix->byteOrder == 'l')))
if (((*(char *) &whichbyte) && (order == 'B' || order == 'R')) ||
(!(*(char *) &whichbyte) && (order == 'l' || order == 'r')))
client->swapped = TRUE;
......@@ -3769,6 +3771,10 @@ ProcInitialConnection(register ClientPtr client)
if (order == 'r' || order == 'R')
client->local = FALSE;
return (client->noClientException);
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ ErrorConnMax(XtransConnInfo trans_conn)
xConnSetupPrefix csp;
char pad[3];
struct iovec iov[3];
char byteOrder = 0;
char order = 0;
int whichbyte = 1;
struct timeval waittime;
fd_set mask;
......@@ -899,16 +899,16 @@ ErrorConnMax(XtransConnInfo trans_conn)
FD_SET(fd, &mask);
(void)Select(fd + 1, &mask, NULL, NULL, &waittime);
/* try to read the byte-order of the connection */
(void)_XSERVTransRead(trans_conn, &byteOrder, 1);
if ((byteOrder == 'l') || (byteOrder == 'B'))
(void)_XSERVTransRead(trans_conn, &order, 1);
if (order == 'l' || order == 'B' || order == 'r' || order == 'R')
csp.success = xFalse;
csp.lengthReason = sizeof(NOROOM) - 1;
csp.length = (sizeof(NOROOM) + 2) >> 2;
csp.majorVersion = X_PROTOCOL;
csp.minorVersion = X_PROTOCOL_REVISION;
if (((*(char *) &whichbyte) && (byteOrder == 'B')) ||
(!(*(char *) &whichbyte) && (byteOrder == 'l')))
if (((*(char *) &whichbyte) && (order == 'B' || order == 'R')) ||
(!(*(char *) &whichbyte) && (order == 'l' || order == 'r')))
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