Commit 567e700b authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Screen.c: document nxagentSaveScreen

parent ae94215d
......@@ -519,30 +519,47 @@ void nxagentSetScreenSaverTime(void)
* This is the called when the "hardware" should take care of the
* blanking.
* "what" can be one if these:
* SCREEN_SAVER_ON Turns on the screen saver; disables video
* SCREEN_SAVER_OFF Turns off the screen saver; enables video
* SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER Updates time of last screen saver mode change
* SCREEN_SAVER_CYCLE Cycle to new pattern
* Returns True if the 'what' action was successful and False otherwise.
* Returning False the SaveScreens() function (which calls this one)
* tries to build a screen-saver creating a new window. In some cases
* we do not want this so we return True. If we want the dix to take
* care fo blanking we return False.
static Bool nxagentSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int what)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSaveScreen: Called for screen at [%p] with parameter [%d].\n",
(void *) pScreen, what);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSaveScreen: SCREEN_SAVER_ON is [%d] SCREEN_SAVER_OFF is [%d] "
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called for screen at [%p] with parameter [%s]. ScreenSaverTime [%d]\n", __func__,
(void *) pScreen,
if (what == SCREEN_SAVER_OFF)
return 1;
return True;
* The lastDeviceEventTime is updated every time
* a device event is received, and it is used by
* WaitForSomething() to know when the SaveScreens()
* function should be called. This solution doesn't
* take care of a pointer button not released, so
* we have to handle this case by ourselves.
* The lastDeviceEventTime is updated every time a device event is
* received, and it is used by WaitForSomething() to know when the
* SaveScreens() function should be called. This solution doesn't
* take care of a pointer button not released, so we have to handle
* this case by ourselves.
......@@ -552,21 +569,19 @@ FIXME: Do we need to check the key grab if the
if (inputInfo.pointer -> button -> buttonsDown > 0)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSaveScreen: Ignoring timeout, there is a pointer button down.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ignoring timeout, there is a pointer button down.\n", __func__);
* Returning 0 the SaveScreens() function
* (which calls this one) tries to build
* a screen-saver creating a new window.
* We don't want this, so we return 1 in
* any case.
* Returning False the SaveScreens() function (which calls this one)
* tries to build a screen-saver creating a new window. We don't
* want this, so we return True here.
return 1;
return True;
return 1;
return True;
Bool nxagentCreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr pScreen)
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