Commit 5bbab001 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Screen.c: code optimization for rootless mode

In rootless mode skip processing user geometry stuff since the values will we overwritten later anyway.
parent 34e4291d
......@@ -885,10 +885,10 @@ Bool nxagentOpenScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen,
* Forced geometry parameter to user geometry.
* Force geometry parameter to user geometry except if in rootless mode.
if (nxagentResizeDesktopAtStartup)
if (nxagentResizeDesktopAtStartup && !nxagentOption(Rootless))
if (nxagentUserGeometry.flag & XValue)
......@@ -922,9 +922,11 @@ Bool nxagentOpenScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen,
* This is first time the screen is initialized.
* Filling the geometry parameter from user geometry.
* we do not need this in rootless mode since we ignore
* user geometry then.
if (nxagentReconnectTrap == False)
if (nxagentReconnectTrap == False && !nxagentOption(Rootless))
if (nxagentUserGeometry.flag & XValue)
......@@ -1067,7 +1069,7 @@ Bool nxagentOpenScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen,
else /* window mode */
* screen is initialized for the first time
* screen is initialized for the first time.
if (nxagentReconnectTrap == False)
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