Commit 5d160461 authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel

Xserver/dix/Imakefile: Serialize parameters and make Imakefile changes more trackable.

parent 9df15366
XCOMM $Xorg: Imakefile,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:48:16 cpqbld Exp $
XCOMM $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/dix/Imakefile,v 3.17 2003/04/15 18:30:43 alanh Exp $
#include <Server.tmpl>
XPSRC = xpstubs.c
......@@ -15,18 +13,70 @@ FFS_SRC = ffs.c
FFS_OBJ = ffs.o
SRCS = atom.c colormap.c cursor.c devices.c dispatch.c dixutils.c events.c \
extension.c gc.c globals.c glyphcurs.c grabs.c \
main.c property.c region.c resource.c swaprep.c swapreq.c \
tables.c window.c initatoms.c dixfonts.c privates.c pixmap.c $(FFS_SRC)
OBJS = atom.o colormap.o cursor.o devices.o dispatch.o dixutils.o events.o \
extension.o gc.o globals.o glyphcurs.o grabs.o \
main.o property.o region.o resource.o swaprep.o swapreq.o \
tables.o window.o initatoms.o dixfonts.o privates.o pixmap.o $(FFS_OBJ)
`pkg-config --cflags-only-I pixman-1`
SRCS = \
atom.c \
colormap.c \
cursor.c \
devices.c \
dispatch.c \
dixutils.c \
events.c \
extension.c \
gc.c \
globals.c \
glyphcurs.c \
grabs.c \
main.c \
property.c \
region.c \
resource.c \
swaprep.c \
swapreq.c \
tables.c \
window.c \
initatoms.c \
dixfonts.c \
privates.c \
pixmap.c \
$(FFS_SRC) \
OBJS = \
atom.o \
colormap.o \
cursor.o \
devices.o \
dispatch.o \
dixutils.o \
events.o \
extension.o \
gc.o \
globals.o \
glyphcurs.o \
grabs.o \
main.o \
property.o \
region.o \
resource.o \
swaprep.o \
swapreq.o \
tables.o \
window.o \
initatoms.o \
dixfonts.o \
privates.o \
pixmap.o \
$(FFS_OBJ) \
INCLUDES = -I../include \
-I$(SERVERSRC)/lbx \
`pkg-config --cflags-only-I pixman-1` \
LINTLIBS = ../os/llib-los.ln
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