Commit 61619be5 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Display.c: add a describing comment for nxagentDisplayErrorPredicate

parent 209c8d8c
......@@ -754,6 +754,20 @@ static void nxagentDisplayFlushHandler(Display *display, int length)
* From the changelog for nx-X11-3.0.0-4:
* "Added the _NXDisplayErrorPredicate function in XlibInt.c. It is
* actually a pointer to a function called whenever Xlib is going to
* perform a network operation. If the function returns true, the
* call will be aborted and Xlib will return the control to the ap-
* plication. It is up to the application to set the XlibDisplayIO-
* Error flag after the _NXDisplayErrorPredicate returns true. The
* function can be used to activate additional checks, besides the
* normal failures detected by Xlib on the display socket. For exam-
* ple, the application can set the funciton to verify if an inter-
* rupt was received or if any other event occurred mandating the
+ end of the session."
static int nxagentDisplayErrorPredicate(Display *display, int error)
#ifdef TEST
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