Commit 65877a19 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Clipboard.c: fix handling of clipboard=none/client/server/both option

parent 80ab8932
......@@ -911,10 +911,11 @@ void nxagentRequestSelection(XEvent *X)
* if one of our clients owns the selection we ask it to copy
* the selection to the clientCutProperty on nxagent's root
* window
* window on the real X server.
nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardClient)
(nxagentOption(Clipboard) == ClipboardServer ||
nxagentOption(Clipboard) == ClipboardBoth))
* store who on the real X server requested the data and how
......@@ -1563,7 +1564,7 @@ void nxagentSetSelectionCallback(CallbackListPtr *callbacks, void *data,
if ((pCurSel->pWin != NULL) &&
(nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardNone) &&
(nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardNone) && /* FIXME: shouldn't we also check for != ClipboardClient? */
((pCurSel->selection == XA_PRIMARY) ||
(pCurSel->selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))))
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