Commit 8127b17d authored by Alan Coopersmith's avatar Alan Coopersmith Committed by Ulrich Sibiller

Delete special case code to append "/sparcv9" to i18n module path

Was triggered by defined(__sparcv9) so only built on Solaris SPARC 64-bit. Inconsistent with all other platforms, and a bit overcomplicated. Should anyone need to continue using that path, simply build with a #define POSTLOCALELIBDIR "sparcv9" to get the same result. Fixes Solaris bug 7038737: sparcv9 Xlib looking in wrong path for i18n loadable modules Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlan Coopersmith <> Reviewed-by: 's avatarDaniel Stone <> Backported-to-NX-by: 's avatarUlrich Sibiller <>
parent dde00b2f
......@@ -86,16 +86,6 @@ Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its licensors is granted.
#include "XlcPublic.h"
#include "XlcPubI.h"
#if defined(_LP64) && defined(__sparcv9)
# define _MACH64_NAME "sparcv9"
# undef _MACH64_NAME
#endif /* defined(_LP64) && defined(__sparcv9) */
#ifdef _MACH64_NAME
# define _MACH64_NAME_LEN (sizeof (_MACH64_NAME) - 1)
#define XI18N_DLREL 2
#define iscomment(ch) ((ch) == '\0' || (ch) == '#')
......@@ -269,35 +259,6 @@ __lc_path(const char *dl_name, const char *lc_dir)
if (strstr (dl_name, "../"))
return NULL;
#if defined (_LP64) && defined (_MACH64_NAME)
len = (lc_dir ? strlen(lc_dir) : 0 ) +
(dl_name ? strlen(dl_name) : 0) + _MACH64_NAME_LEN + 10;
path = Xmalloc(len + 1);
if (strchr(dl_name, '/') != NULL) {
char *tmp = strdup(dl_name);
char *dl_dir, *dl_file;
char *slash_p;
slash_p = strchr(tmp, '/');
*slash_p = '\0';
dl_dir = tmp;
dl_file = ++slash_p;
slash_p = strrchr(lc_dir, '/');
*slash_p = '\0';
strcpy(path, lc_dir); strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, dl_dir); strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, _MACH64_NAME); strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, dl_file); strcat(path, ".so.2");
*slash_p = '/';
} else {
strcpy(path, lc_dir); strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, _MACH64_NAME); strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, dl_name); strcat(path, ".so.2");
len = (lc_dir ? strlen(lc_dir) : 0 ) +
(dl_name ? strlen(dl_name) : 0) + 10;
......@@ -322,7 +283,6 @@ __lc_path(const char *dl_name, const char *lc_dir)
strcat(path, dl_name); strcat(path, ".so.2");
return path;
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