Commit 870a9491 authored by Mario Trangoni's avatar Mario Trangoni Committed by Mike Gabriel

travisci: Fix PVS job

parent bc68b4aa
......@@ -13,11 +13,19 @@ before_install() {
build_script() {
if [ "$PVS_ANALYZE" = "yes" ]; then
pvs-studio-analyzer credentials "${PVS_USERNAME}" "${PVS_KEY}" -o PVS-Studio.lic
pvs-studio-analyzer trace -- make -j2
pvs-studio-analyzer analyze --quiet -j2 -l PVS-Studio.lic -o "PVS-Studio-${CC}.log"
plog-converter -a "GA:1,2" -t tasklist -o "PVS-Studio-${CC}.tasks" "PVS-Studio-${CC}.log"
cat "PVS-Studio-${CC}.tasks"
if [[ -z "${PVS_USERNAME}" ]]; then
echo '"PVS_USERNAME" environment variable not set'
exit 0
elif [[ -z "${PVS_KEY}" ]]; then
echo '"PVS_KEY" environment variable not set'
exit 0
pvs-studio-analyzer credentials -o "PVS-Studio.lic" "${PVS_USERNAME}" "${PVS_KEY}"
pvs-studio-analyzer trace -- make -j2
pvs-studio-analyzer analyze --quiet -j2 --lic-file "PVS-Studio.lic" --output-file "PVS-Studio-${CC}.log"
plog-converter -a "GA:1,2" -t tasklist -o "PVS-Studio-${CC}.tasks" "PVS-Studio-${CC}.log"
cat "PVS-Studio-${CC}.tasks"
make -j2
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