Commit 8ec78a0c authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel

debian/*.doc-base: Add .doc-base files for bin:packages containing documentation.

parent 196d38f9
Document: libxcomp3
Title: NX compression library
Section: Screen
Format: Text
Files: /usr/share/doc/libxcomp3/README.on-retroactive-DXPC-license.gz
Format: PDF
Files: /usr/share/doc/libxcomp3/nxcomp-3.6-drops-compat-code-3.4.x-testing.pdf.gz
Document: nxagent
Title: nx-X11 Agent (Xserver)
Section: Screen
Format: Text
Files: /usr/share/doc/nxagent/README.keystrokes.gz
Document: nxproxy
Title: NX compression tool
Section: Screen
Format: Text
Files: /usr/share/doc/nxproxy/README-VALGRIND
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