Commit 961fa2a0 authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel Add build howto for openSUSE based RPMs.

parent b41369f2
......@@ -103,6 +103,35 @@ mock --rebuild ~/result/nx-libs- --resultdir ~/re
The end result is RPMs under ~/result that you can install (or upgrade to) using yum or dnf, which will resolve their dependencies.
## Building for openSUSE using OBS Build
1. The branch you are building is 3.6.x
2. The current version is (specified in the .spec file)
3. The current release is 0.0build1 (specified in the .spec file)
4. You wish for the RPM files and the obs-build logs to be under ~/rpmbuild
1. Install package "obs-build"
2. Make sure your user account can become root via sudo
3. cd to the nx-libs directory that you cloned using git
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES ~/rpmbuild/RPMS ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS ~/rpmbuild/OTHER ~/rpmbuild/BUILD
git archive -o $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/nx-libs- --prefix=nx-libs- 3.6.x
cp --preserve=time nx-libs.spec ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
cd ..
sudo obs-build --clean --nosignature --repo<OPENSUSE-VERSION>/repo/oss/suse/ --root /var/lib/obs-build/ ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/nx-libs.spec
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/* ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/* ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/* ~/rpmbuild/OTHER/
cp -ar /var/lib/obs-build/.build.log ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
The end result is RPMs under ~/result that you can install (or upgrade to) using yum or dnf, which will resolve their dependencies.
## Building Under Debian or Ubuntu using debuild
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