Commit a02b645b authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

nxagent manpage: extend description of keyboard option

parent 7dbc6cf8
......@@ -518,12 +518,15 @@ settings.
.TP 8
.I <model>/<layout>
use the given model and layout. You can not modify keyboard rules,
variants or options.
.TP 8
If \fIkeyboard\fR is omitted the internal defaults of \fBnxagent\fR
will used (rules: xfree86, layout: us, model: pc102).
variant or options. Instead preset values are used. These are
\fIxfree86\fR for rules and empty strings for variant and options.
.TP 8
If \fIkeyboard\fR is omitted the internal defaults of \fBnxagent\fR will be used (rules: \fIxfree86\fR, layout: \fIus\fR, model: \fIpc102\fR, empty variant and options).
.TP 8
.B keyconv=<string>
set keycode conversion mode
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