Commit a4dd6a46 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Events.c: store parent window from event to meaningful variable

parent ffbc63f9
......@@ -3602,9 +3602,9 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
* Calculate the absolute upper-left X e Y
XlibWindow parent = X -> xreparent.parent;
XWindowAttributes attributes;
if ((XGetWindowAttributes(nxagentDisplay, X -> xreparent.window,
&attributes) == 0))
if ((XGetWindowAttributes(nxagentDisplay, parent, &attributes) == 0))
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! XGetWindowAttributes for parent window failed.\n", __func__);
......@@ -3622,7 +3622,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
int before_y = y;
XTranslateCoordinates(nxagentDisplay, X -> xreparent.window,
XTranslateCoordinates(nxagentDisplay, parent,
attributes.root, -attributes.border_width,
-attributes.border_width, &x, &y, &junk);
......@@ -3634,9 +3634,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
* Calculate the parent X and parent Y.
XlibWindow w = X -> xreparent.parent;
if (w != DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay))
if (parent != DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay))
XlibWindow rootReturn = 0;
XlibWindow parentReturn = 0;
......@@ -3645,7 +3643,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
Status result = XQueryTree(nxagentDisplay, w, &rootReturn, &parentReturn,
Status result = XQueryTree(nxagentDisplay, parent, &rootReturn, &parentReturn,
&childrenReturn, &nchildrenReturn);
......@@ -3655,7 +3653,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
w = parentReturn;
parent = parentReturn;
while (True);
......@@ -3663,7 +3661,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
* WM reparented. Find edge of the frame.
if (XGetWindowAttributes(nxagentDisplay, w, &attributes) == 0)
if (XGetWindowAttributes(nxagentDisplay, parent, &attributes) == 0)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! XGetWindowAttributes failed for parent window.\n", __func__);
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