Commit a8ed2823 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Xlib: remove register keywords

storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++17
parent e1f2a24f
......@@ -709,12 +709,12 @@ extern void _XFlushGCCache(Display *dpy, GC gc);
#define Data32(dpy, data, len) _XData32(dpy, (_Xconst long *)data, len)
extern int _XData32(
Display *dpy,
register _Xconst long *data,
_Xconst long *data,
unsigned len
extern void _XRead32(
Display *dpy,
register long *data,
long *data,
long len
......@@ -1415,10 +1415,10 @@ extern int _XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont(
extern void _XProcessWindowAttributes (
register Display *dpy,
Display *dpy,
xChangeWindowAttributesReq *req,
register unsigned long valuemask,
register XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);
unsigned long valuemask,
XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);
extern int _XDefaultError(
Display *dpy,
......@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ extern int _XDefaultIOError(
Display *dpy);
extern void _XSetClipRectangles (
register Display *dpy,
Display *dpy,
GC gc,
int clip_x_origin, int clip_y_origin,
XRectangle *rectangles,
......@@ -1436,13 +1436,13 @@ extern void _XSetClipRectangles (
int ordering);
Status _XGetWindowAttributes(
register Display *dpy,
Display *dpy,
Window w,
XWindowAttributes *attr);
int _XPutBackEvent (
register Display *dpy,
register XEvent *event);
Display *dpy,
XEvent *event);
extern Bool _XIsEventCookie(
Display *dpy,
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