Commit a93f64e4 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Makefile: use test + && instead of if test/else/fi

parent 58615f9f
......@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ NX_XTRANS_HEADERS = \
all: build
if test -f nxcomp/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcomp clean; fi
if test -f nxproxy/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxproxy clean; fi
if test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib clean; fi
if test -f nxcompshad/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad clean; fi
if test -d nx-X11; then ${MAKE} clean-env; fi
test -f nxcomp/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcomp clean
test -f nxproxy/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxproxy clean
test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib clean
test -f nxcompshad/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad clean
test -d nx-X11 && ${MAKE} clean-env
distclean: clean
if test -f nxcomp/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcomp distclean; fi
if test -f nxproxy/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxproxy distclean; fi
if test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib distclean; fi
if test -f nxcompshad/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad distclean; fi
if test -d nx-X11; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11 distclean; fi
if [ -x ./mesa-quilt ]; then ./mesa-quilt pop -a; fi
test -f nxcomp/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcomp distclean
test -f nxproxy/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxproxy distclean
test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib distclean
test -f nxcompshad/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad distclean
test -d nx-X11 && ${MAKE} -C nx-X11 distclean
test -x ./mesa-quilt && ./mesa-quilt pop -a
$(RM_DIR_REC) nx-X11/extras/Mesa/.pc/
$(RM_FILE) nx-X11/config/cf/nxversion.def
$(RM_FILE) nx-X11/config/cf/nxconfig.def
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ clean-env: version
${MAKE} -j1 -C nx-X11 clean IMAKE_DEFINES="$(IMAKE_DEFINES)"
cd nxcomp && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
cd nxcomp && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
cd nxproxy && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
build-full: build-env
......@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ uninstall:
[ ! -d nx-X11 ] || $(MAKE) uninstall-full
if test -f nxcomp/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcomp "$@"; fi
if test -f nxproxy/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxproxy "$@"; fi
test -f nxcomp/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcomp "$@"
test -f nxproxy/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxproxy "$@"
$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/VERSION.nxproxy
$(RM_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/
if test -f nxcompshad/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad "$@"; fi
if test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib "$@"; fi
test -f nxcompshad/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad "$@"
test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile && ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib "$@"
$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/nxagent
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