Commit b07b6c53 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Clipboard.c: fix bug in special optimization for nested settings

Fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#941
parent 522eea6f
......@@ -2031,11 +2031,12 @@ int nxagentSendNotify(xEvent *event)
* communication happens completely between our own clients (some of
* which can be nxagents themselves). In that case we return 0 (tell
* dix to go on) and do nothing!
* Be sure to not let this trigger for the failure answer (property 0)
if (event-> != clientCutProperty || lastServerRequestor == None)
if (!(event-> == clientCutProperty || event-> == 0) || lastServerRequestor == None)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: sent nothing.\n", __func__);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: sent nothing - message to real X server is not required.\n", __func__);
return 0;
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