Commit ba807669 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Keyboard.c: Add some comments with changelog explanations

This helps understanding the intention of the following code.
parent 9566acb5
......@@ -909,6 +909,17 @@ XkbError:
rules = nxagentXkbGetRules();
from nxagent changelog:
- Implemented handling of value "query" for nxagentKbtype. This value
is passed by the NX client for MacOSX. If value of nxagentKbtype is
"query" or NULL we init keyboard by core protocol functions reading
the keyboard mapping of the X server. The property _XKB_RULES_NAMES
is always set on the root window with default values of model and
if ((nxagentKeyboard != NULL) && (strcmp(nxagentKeyboard, "query") != 0))
for (i = 0; nxagentKeyboard[i] != '/' && nxagentKeyboard[i] != 0; i++);
......@@ -1721,6 +1732,16 @@ void nxagentEnableXkbExtension(void)
from nxagent-3.0.0-88 changelog:
- Fixed TR10D01539. Some XKEYBOARD requests are disabled if the option
'keyboard' has value 'query'. This locks the initial keyboard map.
Enabling/disabling of XKEYBOARD requests is done at run time.
- Added -noxkblock command line option enabling the XKEYBOARD requests
even if the option 'keyboard' value is 'query'.
void nxagentTuneXkbWrapper(void)
if (nxagentOption(InhibitXkb) == 0)
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