Commit c4656c5e authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

imake: also silence makedepend

parent ffc723e7
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
#define RemoveFileQuiet(file) @$(RM) -f file \&>/dev/null
#define ObjectCompile(options) RemoveFileQuiet($@) @@\
#define RunPrintIfFailed(cmd) @cmd || { echo failed command: cmd; exit 1; }
#define ObjectCompile(options) RemoveFileQuiet($@) @@\
ClearmakeOSName \
@echo \ \ CC $*.c @@\
@$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) options $*.c || { echo \ \ CC failed: $(CC)·-c·$(CFLAGS)·options·$*.c; exit 1; }
#define RunPrintIfFailed(cmd) @cmd || { echo failed command: cmd; exit 1; }
RunPrintIfFailed($(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) options $*.c)
#define NormalLibraryTarget(libname,objlist) @@\
AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
......@@ -23,3 +23,8 @@ LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
RunPrintIfFailed(RanLibrary($@)) @@\
#define DependTarget() @@\
DependDependency() @@\
depend:: @@\
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