Commit c69d2ad0 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Events.h: reformat comments

parent 7de7cb09
......@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ Bool nxagentCollectGrabPointerPredicate(Display *disp, XEvent *X, XPointer ptr);
int nxagentInputEventPredicate(Display *disp, XEvent *event, XPointer parameter);
* Enable and disable notification of
* remote X server events.
* Enable and disable notification of remote X server events.
extern void nxagentEnableKeyboardEvents(void);
......@@ -93,33 +92,30 @@ extern void nxagentSetDefaultEventMask(Mask mask);
extern Mask nxagentGetEventMask(WindowPtr pWin);
* Bring keyboard device in known state. It needs
* a round-trip so it only gets called if a pre-
* vious XKB event did not implicitly initialized
* the internal state. This is unlikely to happen.
* Bring keyboard device in known state. It needs a round-trip so it
* only gets called if a previous XKB event did not implicitly
* initialized the internal state. This is unlikely to happen.
extern int nxagentInitXkbKeyboardState(void);
* Update the keyboard state according
* to focus and XKB events received
* from the remote X server.
* Update the keyboard state according to focus and XKB events
* received from the remote X server.
extern int nxagentHandleXkbKeyboardStateEvent(XEvent *X);
* Handle sync and karma messages and
* other notification event coming
* Handle sync and karma messages and other notification event coming
* from proxy.
extern int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X);
* Other functions providing the ad-hoc
* handling of the remote X events.
* Other functions providing the ad-hoc handling of the remote X
* events.
extern int nxagentHandleExposeEvent(XEvent *X);
......@@ -132,16 +128,14 @@ extern int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent *X);
extern int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X);
* Send a fake keystroke to the remote
* X server.
* Send a fake keystroke to the remote X server.
extern void nxagentSendFakeKey(int key);
* Called to manage grab of pointer and
* keyboard when running in fullscreen
* mode.
* Called to manage grab of pointer and keyboard when running in
* fullscreen mode.
extern void nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X);
......@@ -150,8 +144,7 @@ extern void nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X);
extern void nxagentDeactivatePointerGrab(void);
* Synchronize expose events between agent and
* the real X server.
* Synchronize expose events between agent and the real X server.
typedef struct _ExposuresRec
......@@ -198,8 +191,8 @@ void nxagentAddRectToRemoteExposeRegion(BoxPtr);
extern int nxagentUserInput(void *p);
* We have to check these before launching the terminate
* dialog in rootless mode.
* We have to check these before launching the terminate dialog in
* rootless mode.
extern Bool nxagentLastWindowDestroyed;
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