Commit c7f9ff0b authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

nxagent: Drop unused nxagentRootTileWindow

parent 63a39619
......@@ -131,8 +131,6 @@
extern Bool nxagentOnce;
extern WindowPtr nxagentRootTileWindow;
extern int nxagentLastClipboardClient;
......@@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ extern WindowPtr nxagentViewportFrameRight;
extern WindowPtr nxagentViewportFrameAbove;
extern WindowPtr nxagentViewportFrameBelow;
extern WindowPtr nxagentRootTileWindow;
extern Bool nxagentReportPrivateWindowIds;
#define RECTLIMIT 25
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