Commit cfaf5972 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Clipboard.c: report more supported targets

fix one FIXME. This is a rewritten and extended version of a quick patch by Danil Pleshakov and Dimbor.
parent 9681d039
......@@ -716,16 +716,15 @@ void nxagentRequestSelection(XEvent *X)
* The selection does not matter here, we will return this for
* FIXME: shouldn't we support UTF8_STRING, too?
* FIXME: I am wondering if we should align this with
* nxagentConvertSelection, where we report more formats.
* FIXME: the perfect solution should not just answer with
* XA_STRING but ask the real owner what format it supports. The
* should then be sent to the original requestor.
* FIXME: these must be external Atoms!
long targets[] = {XA_STRING};
long targets[] = {XA_STRING, serverUTF8_STRING, serverTEXT, serverTARGETS, serverTIMESTAMP};
int numTargets = sizeof(targets) / sizeof(targets[0]);
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