Commit dd9eb3ad authored by Mihai Moldovan's avatar Mihai Moldovan

nx-X11/programs/Xserver/composite/Imakefile: add new file to SRCS and OBJS and…

nx-X11/programs/Xserver/composite/Imakefile: add new file to SRCS and OBJS and define -DNXAGENT_SERVER while building the Composite extension to disable some code that depends upon a newer X.Org architecture.
parent be824bc8
#include <Server.tmpl>
SRCS = compalloc.c compext.c compinit.c compwindow.c
SRCS = compalloc.c compext.c compinit.c compoverlay.c compwindow.c
OBJS = compalloc.o compext.o compinit.o compwindow.o
OBJS = compalloc.o compext.o compinit.o compoverlay.o compwindow.o
INCLUDES = -I../include -I../mi -I../Xext -I../render -I../xfixes \
-I../damageext -I../miext/damage -I$(EXTINCSRC) \
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
LINTLIBS = ../dix/llib-ldix.ln ../os/llib-los.ln
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