Commit e3240d6b authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

keystrokes.cfg: remove debug keystrokes

Normal builds will not contain support for some keystrokes but warn about unknown keystroke actions: Info: ignoring unknown keystroke action 'debug_tree'. Info: ignoring unknown keystroke action 'regions_on_screen'. Info: ignoring unknown keystroke action 'test_input'. Info: ignoring unknown keystroke action 'deactivate_input_devices_grab'. So we remove those from the default keystrokes config.
parent bf27d58b
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@
<keystroke action="defer" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="e" />
<keystroke action="ignore" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="BackSpace" />
<keystroke action="force_synchronization" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="j" />
<keystroke action="debug_tree" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="q" />
<keystroke action="regions_on_screen" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="a" />
<keystroke action="test_input" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="x" />
<keystroke action="deactivate_input_devices_grab" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="y" />
<keystroke action="viewport_move_left" Control="1" Shift="1" AltMeta="1" key="Left" />
<keystroke action="viewport_move_left" Control="1" Shift="1" AltMeta="1" key="KP_Left" />
<keystroke action="viewport_move_up" Control="1" AltMeta="1" key="Up" />
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