Commit f46af7de authored by Adam Jackson's avatar Adam Jackson Committed by Mike Gabriel

Restore compression of duplicate log file entries.

This undoes the workaround for bug #964, which was an Xprintism.
parent b5cceb74
......@@ -561,15 +561,6 @@ VAuditF(const char *f, va_list args)
prefix = AuditPrefix();
len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), f, args);
#if 1
/* XXX Compressing duplicated messages is temporarily disabled to
* work around bugzilla 964:
ErrorF("%s%s", prefix != NULL ? prefix : "", buf);
oldlen = -1;
nrepeat = 0;
if (len == oldlen && strcmp(buf, oldbuf) == 0) {
/* Message already seen */
......@@ -583,7 +574,6 @@ VAuditF(const char *f, va_list args)
nrepeat = 0;
auditTimer = TimerSet(auditTimer, 0, AUDIT_TIMEOUT, AuditFlush, NULL);
if (prefix != NULL)
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