Commit f4ef2967 authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel

Use ,,make -C'' in main Makefile for calling Makefiles in subdirectories.

parent a751baaa
nx-libs (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Continue development...
* Use ,,make -C'' in main Makefile for calling Makefiles in subdirectories.
-- Mike Gabriel <> Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:48:19 +0100
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Author: Mike Gabriel <>
Last-Update: 2011-12-31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+all: build
......@@ -13,39 +13,38 @@ Last-Update: 2011-12-31
+build: build-arch build-indep
+ test -d nx-X11 && cd nx-X11 && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcomp && cd nxcomp && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcompext && cd nxcompext && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcompshad && cd nxcompshad && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxproxy && cd nxproxy && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ -make -C nx-X11 $@
+ -make -C nxcomp $@
+ -make -C nxcompext $@
+ -make -C nxcompshad $@
+ -make -C nxproxy $@
+ test -d nx-X11 && cd nx-X11 && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcomp && cd nxcomp && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcompext && cd nxcompext && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxcompshad && cd nxcompshad && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ test -d nxproxy && cd nxproxy && test -f Makefile && make $@ || true
+ -make -C nx-X11 $@
+ -make -C nxcomp $@
+ -make -C nxcompext $@
+ -make -C nxcompshad $@
+ -make -C nxproxy $@
+ test -d nxcomp && cd nxcomp && autoconf
+ test -d nxcompext && cd nxcompext && autoconf
+ test -d nxcompshad && cd nxcompshad && autoconf
+ test -d nx-X11 && cd nx-X11 && make World
+ test -d nxproxy && cd nxproxy && autoconf && ./configure && make
+ cd nxcomp && autoconf && ./configure && make
+ -cd nxcompext && autoconf && ./configure && make
+ -cd nxcompshad && autoconf && ./configure && make
+ -cd nx-X11 && make World && ./configure && make
+ cd nxproxy && autoconf && ./configure && make
+ test -d nxcomp && cd nxcomp && make install
+ test -d nxcompext && cd nxcompext && make install
+ test -d nxcompshad && cd nxcompshad && make install
+ test -d nx-X11 && cd nx-X11 && make install
+ test -d nxproxy && cd nxproxy && make install
+ -make -C nx-X11 $@
+ -make -C nxcomp $@
+ -make -C nxcompext $@
+ -make -C nxcompshad $@
+ -make -C nxproxy $@
+ test -d nxcomp && cd nxcomp && make uninstall
+ test -d nxcompext && cd nxcompext && make uninstall
+ test -d nxcompshad && cd nxcompshad && make uninstall
+ test -d nx-X11 && cd nx-X11 && make uninstall
+ test -d nxproxy && cd nxproxy && make uninstall
+ -make -C nx-X11 $@
+ -make -C nxcomp $@
+ -make -C nxcompext $@
+ -make -C nxcompshad $@
+ -make -C nxproxy $@
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