Commit fa70485d authored by ftrapero's avatar ftrapero Fix resolution of symbolic links and removal of useless Mesa versions

parent 2dd6ca0c
......@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ if [ "x$MODE" = "xfull" ]; then
# bring Mesa in shape, drop symlinks and move versioned Mesa-bundle to
# nx-X11/extras/Mesa. Deal with the Mesa.patches symlink/folder accordingly
MESA_VERSION="$(readlink nx-X11/extras/Mesa | cut -d"_" -f2)"
rm "nx-X11/extras/Mesa"
rm "nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches"
mv "nx-X11/extras/Mesa_${MESA_VERSION}" "nx-X11/extras/Mesa"
mv "nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches_${MESA_VERSION}" "nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches"
cp -Lr "nx-X11/extras/Mesa" "nx-X11/extras/tmpMesa"
cp -Lr "nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches" "nx-X11/extras/tmpMesa.patches"
ls -d nx-X11/extras/* | grep -v "nx-X11/extras/tmpMesa*" | xargs rm -r
mv "nx-X11/extras/tmpMesa" "nx-X11/extras/Mesa"
mv "nx-X11/extras/tmpMesa.patches" "nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches"
# shrink Mesa to what we really need (and nothing else)
rm -Rf "nx-X11/extras/Mesa/"{bin/,configs/,docs/,doxygen/,progs/,vms/,windows/,Makefile,Makefile.*,descrip.mms,mms-config.}
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