Commit fea16d7b authored by Reinhard Tartler's avatar Reinhard Tartler

Imported nxauth-3.4.0-3.tar.gz

Summary: Imported nxauth-3.4.0-3.tar.gz Keywords: Imported nxauth-3.4.0-3.tar.gz into Git repository
parent d90fd5d1
- Updated the launchd socket detection to support OSX versions relea-
sed so far.
- Updated copyright to year 2010.
......@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ get_displayname_auth(char *displayname, Xauth *auth)
if (strncmp (displayname, "/tmp/launch", 11) == 0)
displayname = strrchr(displayname, '/') + 1;
displayname = strrchr(displayname, ':');
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