1. 26 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  2. 20 Apr, 2016 3 commits
  3. 19 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  4. 15 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Fernando Carvajal's avatar
      Remove TextCompressor class and files from nxcomp · 5c495241
      Fernando Carvajal authored
      This commit removes TextCompressor class references from ClientCache
      and ServerCache as it's no longer used after removing old protocol's
      compatibility code from nxcomp. It also removes the attribute textCache
      from both classes as it's no longer used either.
      Finally the header and source files associated with the TextCompressor
      class are also deleted and removed from the compilation process.
      Refs: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#108
  5. 14 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Fernando Carvajal's avatar
      Add testing doc for nxcomp drop-old-proto-compat · 00464aea
      Fernando Carvajal authored
      This commit provides documentation about some error tests that have been
      run to check how well behaves nxcomp after removing it's compatibility
      code with versions prior to 3.5.0 and it has to handle a situation in
      in which and older proxy tries to connect with a nxcomp 3.6.x based proxy.
      Refs: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#108
  6. 12 Apr, 2016 2 commits
    • Fernando Carvajal's avatar
      Remove obsolete compatibility files from nxcomp · 13464816
      Fernando Carvajal authored
      This commit removes obsolete compatibility files whose components were
      only used to handle compatibility with old protocol versions that are
      no longer supported.
      Refs: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#108
    • Fernando Carvajal's avatar
      Remove compatibility code for nxcomp before 3.5.0 · a9be6f59
      Fernando Carvajal authored
      As a part of nxcomp's clean-up process, compatibility with old protocol
      versions has been set now at 3.5.0.
      This commit removes compatibility code from nxcomp so the minimum supported
      version changes from 1.5.0 (protocol step 6) to 3.5.0 (protocol step 10).
      At this moment the removal is not complete and it will be followed by some
      other commits, in order to get rid of several components and files that are
      no longer used as they were only needed to work with old protocol versions.
      Refs: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#108
  7. 22 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  8. 17 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  9. 15 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  10. 02 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  11. 26 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  12. 19 Jan, 2016 5 commits
  13. 09 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  14. 02 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  15. 01 Jan, 2016 7 commits
  16. 30 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  17. 29 Dec, 2015 11 commits