1. 10 Oct, 2016 1 commit
    • Ulrich Sibiller's avatar
      Use both __APPLE__ and __DARWIN__ defines · b8de7bf6
      Ulrich Sibiller authored
      Imake unsets __APPLE__ and sets __DARWIN__ instead while autoconf seems to use
      __APPLE__ and not __DARWIN__ anymore.
      This way we should stay safe for now. Can be changed to __APPLE__ when
      we switch to modular.
  2. 05 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  3. 29 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  4. 28 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Mike Gabriel's avatar
      Clear header file namespace separation (<X11/...> vs. <nx-X11/...>). · 433d8186
      Mike Gabriel authored
       In the process of building nxagent against more and more system-wide installed
       X.org libraries, we come to the limit of including structs from this (bundled
       nx-X11) and that (system-wide X.Org) library.
       This commit introduces a clear namespace separation of headers provided by
       nx-X11 and headers provided by X.Org. This approach is only temporary as we
       want to drop all nx-X11 bundled libraries from nx-libs.
       However, for a while we need to make this separation clear and also ship
       some reduced fake X.Org headers that avoid pulling in libX* and libNX_X*
       symbols at the same time.
       This patch has been tested on Debian jessie and unstable and requires no
       overall testing on various distros and distro versions, as we finally will
       drop all libNX_X* libraries and build against X.org's client libs.
       For now, this hack eases our development / cleanup process.
  5. 10 Oct, 2011 1 commit