1. 05 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  2. 01 Jul, 2016 1 commit
    • Mike Gabriel's avatar
      OPTFLAGS: Properly propagate build option flags to nxcomp{,ext,shad} and the nx-X11 build scripts. · d650a0b4
      Mike Gabriel authored
        - The "normal" way to inject CFLAGS (and CPPFLAGS) into nx-X11 builds is copying those
          options over into the variable CDEBUGFLAGS.
        - LDFLAGS have to be handed to nx-X11 via LOCAL_LDFLAGS.
       This change also includes a slight change in the nx-X11 build order.
       Old build order:
        Main Makefile:
            - [...]
            - libNX_X11
              + implicitly building nxcomp
              + implicitly building nxcompext
            - [...]
            - nxagent
              + implicitly building nxcompshad
            - [...]
       New build ordner:
        Main Makefile:
            - [...]
            - nxcomp
            - setup nx-X11 build env
              + cd nx-X11 && make BuildEnv
            - nx-X11/lib/*
            - nxcompext
            - nxcompshad
            - [...]
            - nxagent
            - [...]
       Fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#141
       Fixes X2GoBTS#84
  3. 30 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Mike Gabriel's avatar
      OPTFLAGS: Properly propagate build option flags to nxcomp{,ext,shad} and the nx-X11 build scripts. · a1e9abc7
      Mike Gabriel authored
        - The "normal" way to inject CFLAGS (and CPPFLAGS) into nx-X11 builds is copying those
          options over into the variable CDEBUGFLAGS.
        - LDFLAGS have to be handed to nx-X11 via LOCAL_LDFLAGS.
       This change also includes a slight change in the nx-X11 build order.
       Old build order:
        Main Makefile:
            - [...]
            - libNX_X11
              + implicitly building nxcomp
              + implicitly building nxcompext
            - [...]
            - nxagent
              + implicitly building nxcompshad
            - [...]
       New build ordner:
        Main Makefile:
            - [...]
            - nxcomp
            - setup nx-X11 build env
              + cd nx-X11 && make BuildEnv
            - nxcompext
            - nxcompshad
            - nx-X11/lib/*
            - [...]
            - nxagent
            - [...]
       Fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#141
       Fixes X2GoBTS#84
  4. 29 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  5. 28 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  6. 12 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  7. 16 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  8. 15 Mar, 2015 2 commits
  9. 09 Feb, 2015 1 commit
  10. 28 Mar, 2013 2 commits
  11. 13 Nov, 2011 3 commits