ilbm -- Interleaved bitplanes for Amiga © Copyright 1995 by Geert Uytterhoeven and Others (read the sources) All stuff in this directory is based on Xdaniver, which is based on mfb (read ../afb/Xdaniver.doc). I made changes to support the interleaved mode of the Linux/68k Amiga Color Frame Buffer Device, which uses interleaved bitplanes instead of normal bitplanes. Note: there are still some annoying bugs left in ilbmimage. -- Geert Uytterhoeven Wavelets, Linux/m68k on Amiga Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium
Reinhard Tartler authored
Summary: Imported nx-X11-3.1.0-1.tar.gz Keywords: Imported nx-X11-3.1.0-1.tar.gz into Git repository