`$ redirector <.yaml file> <.map file>` - generate .conf and .map files for redirects for nginx
`$ redirector-watch <file-to-watch>` - set inotify watchdog for this file and renew .map and .conf files for this project when file content is changed
## Structure
#### Redirector:
`dev/redirector.py:`**Redirector** - main class with single function - **generate(**_yaml_file, map_file_**)**, that generates _.conf_ and _.map_ files in _MAPS_DIR_ and _CONFIG_DIR_ directories, specified in `dev/const.py`
`dev/generators.py:`**Generator** - class, that uses **MapGenerator** and **ConfigGenerator** for creating _.map_ and _.conf_ files.
File `dev/parser.py` consists of: **MapLineParser** and **ConfigReader**.
**MapLineParser.parse_line** reads a line from _.yaml_ file and returns a list of arguments with _return_code_ that specifies line type.
**ConfigReader.parse_map** reads _.map_ file and returns list of default redirects and _dict_ with error_code as _key_ and list of redirects with this specific code as _value_.
**ConfigReader.parse_yaml** reads _.yaml_ file and return list of tuples (<_pathto.map_file_>, <_project_name_>)
**RedirectorWatch** - main class with main function **watch(**_yaml_file_**)** that sets ThreadedNotifier for _.yaml_ file that looks for changes, and starts `Redirector.generate()` any time file is changed.