`$ redirector-config --show` - show all current config.ini data
`$ redirector-config --edit <dir_key> <new_val>` - replace directory in config, which matching `<dir_key>` by `<new_val>`
## Structure
### Redirector:
`redirector/redirector.py:`**Redirector** - main class with single function - **generate(**_yaml_file, map_file_**)**, that generates _.conf_ and _.map_ files in _MAPS_DIR_ and _CONFIG_DIR_ directories, specified by `redirector/conf/config.ini`, also you can edit all the data from config, using `redirector-config --edit` or show all the config data using `redirector-config --show`
`redirector/redirector.py:`**Redirector** - main class with single function - **generate(**_yaml_file, map_file_**)**, that generates _.conf_ and _.map_ files in _MAPS_DIR_ and _CONFIG_DIR_ directories, specified by environment variables. Default values are: "/var/lib/redirector/maps", "/var/lib/redirector/location-includes"
`redirector/generators.py:`**Generator** - class, that uses **MapGenerator** and **ConfigGenerator** for creating _.map_ and _.conf_ files.