Commit 3ab5ad9f authored by Jorgen's avatar Jorgen

Remove configuration. Add example typos config

parent 7c281445
const DB_DRIVER = 'mysql';
const DB_DATABASE = 'eterfund_typos';
const DB_HOSTNAME = 'mysql';
const DB_USERNAME = 'eterfund';
const DB_PASSWORD = 'yEnHwGY5LEcR3R4a';
......@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
/*TYPOS super admin*/
$config['typos_admin_login'] = 'admin';
$config['typos_admin_password'] = 'someCoolPassword';
$config['typos_admin_email'] = '';
$config['typos_admin_password'] = 'password';
$config['typos_admin_email'] = '';
$config['pass']['key_1'] = "ghuHJGOuiар";
$config['pass']['key_2'] = "vD%F&Bv8bcvjnb%65";
$config['pass']['key_3'] = "&^^%$%$*Gposwорапо7д";
// Admin passwords
$config['pass']['key_1'] = "password1";
$config['pass']['key_2'] = "password2";
$config['pass']['key_3'] = "password3";
$config['error_login_count'] = 3;
$config['error_login_time'] = 600; //10 минут
......@@ -15,4 +16,4 @@ $config['error_login_time'] = 600; //10 минут
/* Typos credentials for external apis */
$config['correction_path'] = "correctTypo";
$config['typos_user'] = 'typos.etersoft';
$config['typos_password'] = 'Ync~YC{jBamlfuw7N3kG?XkiMpn}l6YJ';
\ No newline at end of file
$config['typos_password'] = '';
\ No newline at end of file
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