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<chapter id="using">
  <title>Using Bugzilla</title>
5's avatar committed
6 7
  <section id="using-intro">
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    <para>This section contains information for end-users of Bugzilla.  There
    is a Bugzilla test installation, called
    <ulink url="">Landfill</ulink>, which you are
    welcome to play with (if it's up). However, not all of the Bugzilla
    installations there will necessarily have all Bugzilla features enabled,
    and different installations run different versions, so some things may not
    quite work as this document describes.</para>'s avatar committed
15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  <section id="myaccount">
    <title>Create a Bugzilla Account</title>

    <para>If you want to use Bugzilla, first you need to create an account.
    Consult with the administrator responsible for your installation of
    Bugzilla for the URL you should use to access it. If you're
    test-driving Bugzilla, use this URL: 
    <ulink url="&landfillbase;"/>.
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

        <para>Click the 
        <quote>Open a new Bugzilla account</quote>

        link, enter your email address and, optionally, your name in the
        spaces provided, then click 
        <quote>Create Account</quote>


        <para>Within moments, you should receive an email to the address
        you provided, which contains your login name (generally the
        same as the email address), and a password. 
        This password is randomly generated, but can be
        changed to something more memorable.</para>

        <para>Click the 
        <quote>Log In</quote>
        link in the footer at the bottom of the page in your browser,
        enter your email address and password into the spaces provided, and


    <para>You are now logged in. Bugzilla uses cookies to remember you are
    logged in so, unless you have cookies disabled or your IP address changes, 
    you should not have to log in again.</para>

64 65 66 67 68 69
  <section id="bug_page">
    <title>Anatomy of a Bug</title>

    <para>The core of Bugzilla is the screen which displays a particular
    bug. It's a good place to explain some Bugzilla concepts. 
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
    Bug 1 on Landfill</ulink>

    is a good example. Note that the labels for most fields are hyperlinks;
    clicking them will take you to context-sensitive help on that
    particular field. Fields marked * may not be present on every
    installation of Bugzilla.</para>

        <emphasis>Product and Component</emphasis>: 
        Bugs are divided up by Product and Component, with a Product
        having one or more Components in it. For example,'s "Bugzilla" Product is composed of several
        Administration of a Bugzilla installation.</member>

91 92 93 94
        Anything that doesn't fit in the other components, or spans
        multiple components.</member>

96 97 98
        <emphasis>Creating/Changing Bugs:</emphasis>
        Creating, changing, and viewing bugs.</member>

100 101 102
        The Bugzilla documentation, including The Bugzilla Guide.</member>

104 105 106
        Anything to do with email sent by Bugzilla.</member>

108 109 110
        The installation process of Bugzilla.</member>

112 113 114 115
        Anything to do with searching for bugs and viewing the
116 117

118 119
        Getting reports from Bugzilla.</member>

121 122 123 124 125
        <emphasis>User Accounts:</emphasis>
        Anything about managing a user account from the user's perspective.
        Saved queries, creating accounts, changing passwords, logging in,
126 127

128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
        <emphasis>User Interface:</emphasis>
        General issues having to do with the user interface cosmetics (not
        functionality) including cosmetic issues, HTML templates,

        <emphasis>Status and Resolution:</emphasis>

        These define exactly what state the bug is in - from not even
        being confirmed as a bug, through to being fixed and the fix
        confirmed by Quality Assurance. The different possible values for
        Status and Resolution on your installation should be documented in the
        context-sensitive help for those items.</para>

        <emphasis>Assigned To:</emphasis>
        The person responsible for fixing the bug.</para>

        A URL associated with the bug, if any.</para>

        A one-sentence summary of the problem.</para>

        <emphasis>*Status Whiteboard:</emphasis>
        (a.k.a. Whiteboard) A free-form text area for adding short notes
        and tags to a bug.</para>

        The administrator can define keywords which you can use to tag and
        categorise bugs - e.g. The Mozilla Project has keywords like crash
        and regression.</para>

        <emphasis>Platform and OS:</emphasis>
        These indicate the computing environment where the bug was

        The "Version" field is usually used for versions of a product which
        have been released, and is set to indicate which versions of a
        Component have the particular problem the bug report is

        The bug assignee uses this field to prioritise his or her bugs.
        It's a good idea not to change this on other people's bugs.</para>

        This indicates how severe the problem is - from blocker
        ("application unusable") to trivial ("minor cosmetic issue"). You
        can also use this field to indicate whether a bug is an enhancement

        (a.k.a. Target Milestone) A future version by which the bug is to
        be fixed. e.g. The Bugzilla Project's milestones for future
        Bugzilla versions are 2.18, 2.20, 3.0, etc. Milestones are not
        restricted to numbers, thought - you can use any text strings, such
        as dates.</para>

        The person who filed the bug.</para>

        <emphasis>CC list:</emphasis>
        A list of people who get mail when the bug changes.</para>

        You can attach files (e.g. testcases or patches) to bugs. If there
        are any attachments, they are listed in this section.</para>

        If this bug cannot be fixed unless other bugs are fixed (depends
        on), or this bug stops other bugs being fixed (blocks), their
        numbers are recorded here.</para>

        Whether this bug has any votes.</para>

        <emphasis>Additional Comments:</emphasis>
        You can add your two cents to the bug discussion here, if you have
        something worthwhile to say.</para>

264 265
  <section id="query">
    <title>Searching for Bugs</title>

267 268 269
    <para>The Bugzilla Search page is is the interface where you can find
    any bug report, comment, or patch currently in the Bugzilla system. You
    can play with it here: 
    <ulink url="&landfillbase;query.cgi"/>.</para>

272 273 274 275 276
    <para>The Search page has controls for selecting different possible
    values for all of the fields in a bug, as described above. For some
    fields, multiple values can be selected. In those cases, Bugzilla
    returns bugs where the content of the field matches any one of the selected
    values. If none is selected, then the field can take any value.</para>

278 279 280 281 282 283
    <para>Once you've run a search, you can save it as a Saved Search, which 
    appears in the page footer.</para>

    <para>Highly advanced querying is done using Boolean Charts. See the
    Boolean Charts help link on the Search page for more information.</para>

285 286
  <section id="list">
    <title>Bug Lists</title>

288 289
    <para>If you run a search, a list of matching bugs will be returned.

291 292 293 294 295 296
    <para>The format of the list is configurable. For example, it can be
    sorted by clicking the column headings. Other useful features can be
    accessed using the links at the bottom of the list: 
      <emphasis>Long Format:</emphasis>

298 299 300
      this gives you a large page with a non-editable summary of the fields
      of each bug.</member>'s avatar committed
301 302 303 304 305 306

      get the buglist as comma-separated values, for import into e.g.
      a spreadsheet.</member>
307 308
      <emphasis>Change Columns:</emphasis>

310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
      change the bug attributes which appear in the list.</member>

      <emphasis>Change several bugs at once:</emphasis>

      If your account is sufficiently empowered, you can make the same
      change to all the bugs in the list - for example, changing their

      <emphasis>Send mail to bug owners:</emphasis>

      Sends mail to the owners of all bugs on the list.</member>

      <member>'s avatar committed
      <emphasis>Edit Search:</emphasis>
326 327 328 329

      If you didn't get exactly the results you were looking for, you can
      return to the Query page through this link and make small revisions
      to the query you just made so you get more accurate results.</member>'s avatar committed
330 331 332 333 334 335 336
      <emphasis>Remember Search As:</emphasis>

      You can give a search a name and remember it; a link will appear
      in your page footer giving you quick access to run it again later.
337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346

  <section id="bugreports">
    <title>Filing Bugs</title>

    <para>Years of bug writing experience has been distilled for your
    reading pleasure into the 
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
    Bug Writing Guidelines</ulink>. 
    While some of the advice is Mozilla-specific, the basic principles of
    reporting Reproducible, Specific bugs, isolating the Product you are
    using, the Version of the Product, the Component which failed, the
    Hardware Platform, and Operating System you were using at the time of
    the failure go a long way toward ensuring accurate, responsible fixes
    for the bug that bit you.</para>

    <para>The procedure for filing a test bug is as follows:</para>

        <para>Go to 
        <ulink url="&landfillbase;">
362 363 364
        in your browser and click 
366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383
        Enter a new bug report</ulink>.

        <para>Select a product - any one will do.</para>

        <para>Fill in the fields. Bugzilla should have made reasonable
        guesses, based upon your browser, for the "Platform" and "OS"
        drop-down boxes. If they are wrong, change them.</para>

        <para>Select "Commit" and send in your bug report.</para>
    </orderedlist>'s avatar committed
384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401
      <para>Try to make sure that everything said in the summary is also 
      said in the first comment. Summaries are often updated and this will
      ensure your original information is easily accessible.
      You do not need to put "any" or similar strings in the URL field.
      If there is no specific URL associated with the bug, leave this 
      field blank.

      <para>If you feel a bug you filed was incorrectly marked as a
      DUPLICATE of another, please question it in your bug, not      
      the bug it was duped to. Feel free to CC the person who duped it 
      if they are not already CCed.
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

  <section id="patchviewer">
    <title>Patch Viewer</title>

    <para>Viewing and reviewing patches in Bugzilla is often difficult due to
    lack of context, improper format and the inherent readability issues that
    raw patches present.  Patch Viewer is an enhancement to Bugzilla designed
    to fix that by offering increased context, linking to sections, and
    integrating with Bonsai, LXR and CVS.</para>

    <para>Patch viewer allows you to:</para>

      <member>View patches in color, with side-by-side view rather than trying
      to interpret the contents of the patch.</member>
      <member>See the difference between two patches.</member>
      <member>Get more context in a patch.</member>
      <member>Collapse and expand sections of a patch for easy
      <member>Link to a particular section of a patch for discussion or
      <member>Go to Bonsai or LXR to see more context, blame, and
      cross-references for the part of the patch you are looking at</member>
      <member>Create a rawtext unified format diff out of any patch, no
      matter what format it came from</member>

    <section id="patchviewer_view">
      <title>Viewing Patches in Patch Viewer</title>
      <para>The main way to view a patch in patch viewer is to click on the
      "Diff" link next to a patch in the Attachments list on a bug. You may
      also do this within the edit window by clicking the "View Attachment As
      Diff" button in the Edit Attachment screen.</para>

438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445
    <section id="patchviewer_diff">
      <title>Seeing the Difference Between Two Patches</title>
      <para>To see the difference between two patches, you must first view the
      newer patch in Patch Viewer.  Then select the older patch from the
      dropdown at the top of the page ("Differences between [dropdown] and
      this patch") and click the "Diff" button. This will show you what
      is new or changed in the newer patch.</para>

447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455
    <section id="patchviewer_context">
      <title>Getting More Context in a Patch</title>
      <para>To get more context in a patch, you put a number in the textbox at
      the top of Patch Viewer ("Patch / File / [textbox]") and hit enter.
      This will give you that many lines of context before and after each
      change. Alternatively, you can click on the "File" link there and it
      will show each change in the full context of the file. This feature only
      works against files that were diffed using "cvs diff".</para>

457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465
    <section id="patchviewer_collapse">
      <title>Collapsing and Expanding Sections of a Patch</title>
      <para>To view only a certain set of files in a patch (for example, if a
      patch is absolutely huge and you want to only review part of it at a
      time), you can click the "(+)" and "(-)" links next to each file (to
      expand it or collapse it). If you want to collapse all files or expand
      all files, you can click the "Collapse All" and "Expand All" links at the
      top of the page.</para>

467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
    <section id="patchviewer_link">
      <title>Linking to a Section of a Patch</title>
      <para>To link to a section of a patch (for example, if you want to be
      able to give someone a URL to show them which part you are talking
      about) you simply click the "Link Here" link on the section header. The
      resulting URL can be copied and used in discussion. (Copy Link
      Location in Mozilla works as well.)</para>

476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486
    <section id="patchviewer_bonsai_lxr">
      <title>Going to Bonsai and LXR</title>
      <para>To go to Bonsai to get blame for the lines you are interested in,
      you can click the "Lines XX-YY" link on the section header you are
      interested in. This works even if the patch is against an old
      version of the file, since Bonsai stores all versions of the file.</para>

      <para>To go to LXR, you click on the filename on the file header
      (unfortunately, since LXR only does the most recent version, line
      numbers are likely to rot).</para>

488 489 490 491 492
    <section id="patchviewer_unified_diff">
      <title>Creating a Unified Diff</title>
      <para>If the patch is not in a format that you like, you can turn it
      into a unified diff format by clicking the "Raw Unified" link at the top
      of the page.</para>

495 496

497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504
  <section id="hintsandtips">
    <title>Hints and Tips</title>
    <para>This section distills some Bugzilla tips and best practices
    that have been developed.</para>

505 506
      <para>Bugzilla comments are plain text - so typing &lt;U&gt; will
      produce less-than, U, greater-than rather than underlined text.
507 508
      However, Bugzilla will automatically make hyperlinks out of certain
      sorts of text in comments. For example, the text 
      "" will be turned into a link:
      <ulink url=""/>.
511 512 513
      Other strings which get linkified in the obvious manner are:
        <member>bug 12345</member>
        <member>comment 7</member>
515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528
        <member>bug 23456, comment 53</member>
        <member>attachment 4321</member>
        <member>Most other sorts of URL</member>
      <para>A corollary here is that if you type a bug number in a comment,
      you should put the word "bug" before it, so it gets autolinkified
      for the convenience of others.

530 531
    <section id="quicksearch">

533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562
      <para>Quicksearch is a single-text-box query tool which uses
      metacharacters to indicate what is to be searched. For example, typing
      into Quicksearch would search for "foo" or "bar" in the 
      summary and status whiteboard of a bug; adding 
      "<filename>:BazProduct</filename>" would
      search only in that product.

      <para>You'll find the Quicksearch box on Bugzilla's
      front page, along with a 
      <ulink url="../../quicksearch.html">Help</ulink> 
      link which details how to use it.</para>
    <section id="commenting">

      <para>If you are changing the fields on a bug, only comment if
      either you have something pertinent to say, or Bugzilla requires it.
      Otherwise, you may spam people unnecessarily with bug mail.
      To take an example: a user can set up their account to filter out messages
      where someone just adds themselves to the CC field of a bug
      (which happens a lot.) If you come along, add yourself to the CC field,
      and add a comment saying "Adding self to CC", then that person
      gets a pointless piece of mail they would otherwise have avoided.
      Don't use sigs in comments. Signing your name ("Bill") is acceptable,
      if you do it out of habit, but full mail/news-style
564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586
      four line ASCII art creations are not.
    <section id="attachments">
      Use attachments, rather than comments, for large chunks of ASCII data,
      such as trace, debugging output files, or log files. That way, it doesn't
      bloat the bug for everyone who wants to read it, and cause people to
      receive fat, useless mails.

      <para>Trim screenshots. There's no need to show the whole screen if
      you are pointing out a single-pixel problem.
      <para>Don't attach simple test cases (e.g. one HTML file, one 
      CSS file and an image) as a ZIP file. Instead, upload them in 
      reverse order and edit the referring file so that they point to the
      attached files. This way, the test case works immediately 
      out of the bug.
587 588 589 590 591 592
      <para>Bugzilla stores and uses a Content-Type for each attachment 
      (e.g. text/html). To download an attachment as a different 
      Content-Type (e.g. application/xhtml+xml), you can override this 
      using a 'content-type' parameter on the URL, e.g.
593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601
  <section id="userpreferences">
    <title>User Preferences</title>

    <para>Once you have logged in, you can customise various aspects of 
    Bugzilla via the "Edit prefs" link in the page footer.
    The preferences are split into three tabs:</para>

    <section id="accountsettings" xreflabel="Account Settings">
      <title>Account Settings</title>

      <para>On this tab, you can change your basic account information,
608 609 610 611 612
      including your password, email address and real name. For security
      reasons, in order to change anything on this page you must type your 
      password into the 
613 614
      field at the top of the page. 
      If you attempt to change your email address, a confirmation
615 616
      email is sent to both the old and new addresses, with a link to use to
      confirm the change. This helps to prevent account hijacking.</para>
618 619

    <section id="emailsettings">
      <title>Email Settings</title>
621 622 623

      <para>On this tab you can reduce or increase the amount of email sent
      you from Bugzilla, opting in our out depending on your relationship to
624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633
      the bug and the change that was made to it. 
      You can also do further filtering on the client side by 
      using the X-Bugzilla-Reason mail header which Bugzilla
      adds to all bugmail. This tells you what relationship you have to the
      bug in question,
      and can be any of Owner, Reporter, QAcontact, CClist, Voter and
634 635 636 637 638

      <para>By entering user email names, delineated by commas, into the
      "Users to watch" text entry box you can receive a copy of all the
      bugmail of other users (security settings permitting.) This powerful
      functionality enables seamless transitions as developers change
      projects or users go on holiday.</para>
640 641

642 643 644
        <para>The ability to watch other users may not be available in all
        Bugzilla installations. If you can't see it, ask your 

648 649
    <section id="permissionsettings">
651 652 653 654 655
      <para>This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
      permissions on this installation of Bugzilla - what product groups you
      are in, and whether you can edit bugs or perform various administration
657 658
  <section id="reporting">
660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818
    <title>Reports and Charts</title>
    <para>As well as the standard buglist, Bugzilla has two more ways of
    viewing sets of bugs. These are the reports (which give different
    views of the current state of the database) and charts (which plot
    the changes in particular sets of bugs over time.)</para>
    <section id="reports">
        A report is a view of the current state of the bug database.
        You can run either an HTML-table-based report, or a graphical
        line/pie/bar-chart-based one. The two have different pages to
        define them, but are close cousins - once you've defined and
        viewed a report, you can switch between any of the different
        views of the data at will.
        Both report types are based on the idea of defining a set of bugs
        using the standard search interface, and then choosing some
        aspect of that set to plot on the horizontal and/or vertical axes.
        You can also get a form of 3-dimensional report by choosing to have
        multiple images or tables.
        So, for example, you could use the search form to choose "all
        bugs in the WorldControl product", and then plot their severity
        against their component to see which component had had the largest
        number of bad bugs reported against it. 
        Once you've defined your parameters and hit "Generate Report",
        you can switch between HTML, CSV, Bar, Line and Pie. (Note: Pie
        is only available if you didn't define a vertical axis, as pie
        charts don't have one.) The other controls are fairly self-explanatory;
        you can change the size of the image if you find text is overwriting
        other text, or the bars are too thin to see.
    <section id="charts">
        A chart is a view of the state of the bug database over time.
        Bugzilla currently has two charting systems - Old Charts and New 
        Charts. Old Charts have been part of Bugzilla for a long time; they
        chart each status and resolution for each product, and that's all.
        They are deprecated, and going away soon - we won't say any more 
        about them.
        New Charts are the future - they allow you to chart anything you
        can define as a search.
          Both charting forms require the administrator to set up the
          data-gathering script. If you can't see any charts, ask them whether
          they have done so.
        An individual line on a chart is called a data set.
        All data sets are organised into categories and subcategories. The 
        data sets that Bugzilla defines automatically use the Product name 
        as a Category and Component names as Subcategories, but there is no 
        need for you to follow that naming scheme with your own charts if 
        you don't want to.
        Data sets may be public or private. Everyone sees public data sets in
        the list, plus any private data sets they are subscribed to. You are 
        automatically subscribed to any data sets you create, but others may 
        subscribe to them too if they know about them. Only administrators can 
        make data sets public.
        No two data sets, even two private ones, can have the same set of 
        category, subcategory and name. So if you are creating private data 
        sets, one idea is to have the Category be your username.
        <title>Creating Charts</title>
          You create a chart by selecting a number of data sets from the
          list, and pressing Add To List for each. In the List Of Data Sets
          To Plot, you can define the label that data set will have in the
          chart's legend, and also ask Bugzilla to Sum a number of data sets 
          (e.g. you could Sum data sets representing RESOLVED, VERIFIED and 
          CLOSED in a particular product to get a data set representing all 
          the resolved bugs in that product.)

          If you've erroneously added a data set to the list, select it
          using the checkbox and click Remove. Once you add more than one 
          data set, a "Grand Total" line
          automatically appears at the bottom of the list. If you don't want
          this, simply remove it as you would remove any other line.
          You may also choose to plot only over a certain date range, and
          to cumulate the results - that is, to plot each one using the 
          previous one as a baseline, so the top line gives a sum of all 
          the data sets. It's easier to try than to explain :-)

          Once a data set is in the list, one can also perform certain 
          actions on it.
          For example, one can Subscribe to or Unsubscribe from a private 
          data set. This is useful if someone else has shown you a chart,
          and you want to make some of their data sets appear in your list,
          so you can use them in your own charts. One can also edit the
          data set's parameters (name, frequency etc.) if it's one you
          created or if you are an administrator.

           Once you are happy, click Chart This List to see the chart.

        <title>Creating New Data Sets</title>
          You may also create new data sets of your own. To do this,
          click the "create a new data set" link on the Create Chart page.
          This takes you to a search-like interface where you can define
          the search that Bugzilla will plot. At the bottom of the page,
          you choose the category, sub-category and name of your new
          data set. 

          If you have sufficient permissions, you can make the data set public,
          and reduce the frequency of data collection to less than the default
          seven days.
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