list.html.tmpl 6.92 KB
[%# %]
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
  # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  # the License at
  # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
  # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
  # implied. See the License for the specific language governing
  # rights and limitations under the License.
  # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
  # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
  # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
  # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
  # Rights Reserved.
  # Contributor(s): Myk Melez <>

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Enables or disables a requestee field depending on whether or not
  // the user is requesting the corresponding flag.
  function toggleRequesteeField(flagField)
    // Convert the ID of the flag field into the ID of its corresponding
    // requestee field and then use the ID to get the field.
    var id =\d+)/, "requestee$1-$2");
    var requesteeField = document.getElementById(id);
    if (!requesteeField) return;
    // Enable or disable the requestee field based on the value
    // of the flag field.
    if (flagField.value == "?") {
        requesteeField.disabled = false;
    } else                         
        requesteeField.disabled = true;
  // Disables requestee fields when the window is loaded since they shouldn't
  // be enabled until the user requests that flag type.
  function disableRequesteeFields()
    var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    var inputElement, id, flagField;
    for ( var i=0 ; i<inputElements.length ; i++ )
      inputElement = inputElements.item(i);
      if (^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$/) != -1)
        // Convert the ID of the requestee field into the ID of its corresponding
        // flag field and then use the ID to get the field.
        id =\d+)/, "flag$1-$2");
        flagField = document.getElementById(id);
        if (flagField && flagField.value != "?")
            inputElement.disabled = true;
  window.onload = disableRequesteeFields;
// -->

[%# We list flags by looping twice over the flag types relevant for the bug.
  # In the first loop, we display existing flags and then, for active types,
  # we display UI for adding new flags.  In the second loop, we display UI 
  # for adding additional new flags for those types for which a flag already
  # exists but which are multiplicable (can have multiple flags of the type
  # on a single bug/attachment).

<table id="flags">
    <th colspan="3">
    [% IF any_flags_requesteeble %]
    [% END %]

  [%# Step 1: Display every flag type (except inactive types with no flags). %]
  [% FOREACH type = flag_types %]
    [%# Step 1a: Display existing flag(s). %]
    [% FOREACH flag = type.flags %]
          [% flag.setter.nick FILTER html %]:
          [% FILTER html %]
          <select id="flag-[% %]" name="flag-[% %]" 
            <option value="X"></option>
            [% IF type.is_active %]
              <option value="+" [% "selected" IF flag.status == "+" %]>+</option>
              <option value="-" [% "selected" IF flag.status == "-" %]>-</option>
              [% IF type.is_requestable %]
                <option value="?" [% "selected" IF flag.status == "?" %]>?</option>
              [% END %]
            [% ELSE %]
              <option value="[% flag.status %]" selected="selected">[% flag.status %]</option>
            [% END %]
        [% IF any_flags_requesteeble %]
            [% IF type.is_active && type.is_requesteeble %]
              <span style="white-space: nowrap;">
                (<input type="text" size="8" maxlength="255"
                        id="requestee-[% %]" 
                        name="requestee-[% %]"
                        [% IF flag.status == "?" && flag.requestee %]
                          value="[% flag.requestee.login FILTER html %]"
                        [% END %]
            [% END %]
        [% END %]
    [% END %]
    [%# Step 1b: Display UI for setting flag. %]
    [% IF (!type.flags || type.flags.size == 0) && type.is_active %]
        <td>[% FILTER html %]</td>
          <select id="flag_type-[% %]" name="flag_type-[% %]" 
            <option value="X"></option>
            <option value="+">+</option>
            <option value="-">-</option>
            [% IF type.is_requestable %]
              <option value="?">?</option>
            [% END %]
        [% IF any_flags_requesteeble %]
            [% IF type.is_requesteeble %]
              <span style="white-space: nowrap;">
                (<input type="text" size="8" maxlength="255"
                        id="requestee_type-[% %]" 
                        name="requestee_type-[% %]">)
            [% END %]
        [% END %]
    [% END %]
  [% END %]

  [%# Step 2: Display flag type again (if type is multiplicable). %]
  [% FOREACH type = flag_types %]
    [% NEXT UNLESS type.flags.size > 0 && type.is_multiplicable && type.is_active %]
    [% IF !separator_displayed %]
        <tr><td colspan="3"><hr></td></tr>
        [% separator_displayed = 1 %]
    [% END %]
      <td colspan="2">addl. [% FILTER html %]</td>
        <select id="flag_type-[% %]" name="flag_type-[% %]" 
          <option value="X"></option>
          <option value="+">+</option>
          <option value="-">-</option>
          [% IF type.is_requestable %]
            <option value="?">?</option>
          [% END %]
      [% IF any_flags_requesteeble %]
          [% IF type.is_requesteeble %]
              <span style="white-space: nowrap;">
                (<input type="text" size="8" maxlength="255"
                        id="requestee_type-[% %]" 
                        name="requestee_type-[% %]">)
          [% END %]
      [% END %]
  [% END %]
