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  • Dylan William Hardison's avatar
    Synthesis #1: Adopt utf8mb4 and DBIx::Connector (#79) · 1015a17e
    Dylan William Hardison authored
    * use base to make merging with bmo easier
    * Revert "Bug 1497042 - Enclose table names in CREATE queries"
    This reverts commit 62d5637a.
    * refactor Bugzilla::DB to not subclass DBI
    * use DBIx::Connector to manage database connections
    * Ensure we always call DBIx::Connector->dbh before any DBI method
    The code didn't allow a way of doing this without a lot of work.
    So I had to take the following approach:
    The 'dbh' attribute is now a method that delegates to DBIx::Connector's dbh
    method. Per the docs, ->dbh() "Returns the connection's database handle. It will
    use a an existing handle if there is one, if the process has not been forked or
    a new thread spawned, and if the database is pingable. Otherwise, it will
    instantiate, cache, and return a new handle."
    Then there is the matter of the 'handles' on dbh. I've used Package::Stash to
    insert proxy methods into the class when it is loaded.
    * Bug 1328659 - Add support for utf8=utf8mb4 (switches to dynamic/compressed row format, and changes charset to utf8mb4)
    * add deps
    * add prepare_cached to the list of delegated methods.
    This was added in bug 340160
    * improve the migration to compressed/dynamic rows, skip views
    * add missing semicolon
    * remove pre-utf8mb4 emoji support
    * fix small issue
    * add debugging fatal error
    1015a17e 2.84 KB
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# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package Bugzilla::Search::ClauseGroup;

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(Bugzilla::Search::Clause);

use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Search::Condition qw(condition);
use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

use constant UNSUPPORTED_FIELDS => qw(

sub new {
  my ($class) = @_;
  my $self = bless({joiner => 'AND'}, $class);

  # Add a join back to the bugs table which will be used to group conditions
  # for this clause
  my $condition = Bugzilla::Search::Condition->new({});
    joins => [{
      table => 'bugs',
      as    => 'bugs_g0',
      from  => 'bug_id',
      to    => 'bug_id',
      extra => [],
    term => '1 = 1',
  $self->{group_condition} = $condition;
  return $self;

sub add {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;
  my $field = scalar(@args) == 3 ? $args[0] : $args[0]->{field};

  # We don't support nesting of conditions under this clause
  if (scalar(@args) == 1 && !$args[0]->isa('Bugzilla::Search::Condition')) {

  # Ensure all conditions use the same field
  if (!$self->{_field}) {
    $self->{_field} = $field;
  elsif ($field ne $self->{_field}) {

  # Unsupported fields
  if (grep { $_ eq $field } UNSUPPORTED_FIELDS) {

    # XXX - Hack till bug 916882 is fixed.
    my $operator = scalar(@args) == 3 ? $args[1] : $args[0]->{operator};
    ThrowUserError('search_grouped_field_invalid', {field => $field})
      unless (($field eq 'product' || $field eq 'component')
      && $operator =~ /^changed/);


sub update_search_args {
  my ($self, $search_args) = @_;

  # No need to change things if there's only one child condition
  return unless scalar(@{$self->children}) > 1;

  # we want all the terms to use the same join table
  if (!exists $self->{_first_chart_id}) {
    $self->{_first_chart_id} = $search_args->{chart_id};
  else {
    $search_args->{chart_id} = $self->{_first_chart_id};

  my $suffix = '_g' . $self->{_first_chart_id};
  $self->{group_condition}->{translated}->{joins}->[0]->{as} = "bugs$suffix";

  $search_args->{full_field} =~ s/^bugs\./bugs$suffix\./;

  $search_args->{table_suffix} = $suffix;
  $search_args->{bugs_table}   = "bugs$suffix";


=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>


=item add

=item update_search_args
