series-common.html.tmpl 3.93 KB
[%# %]
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
  # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  # the License at
  # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
  # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
  # implied. See the License for the specific language governing
  # rights and limitations under the License.
  # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
  # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
  # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
  # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
  # Rights Reserved.
  # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <>

  # donames: boolean. True if we have a multi-select for names as well as
  #          categories and subcategories. 
  # category: hash (keyed by category) of hashes (keyed by subcategory) of
  #           hashes (keyed by name), with value being the series_id of the
  #           series. Contains details of all series the user can see.

[% subcategory = category.${default.category} %]
[% name = subcategory.${default.subcategory} %]

[%# This structure holds details of the series the user can select from. %]
var series = {
[% FOREACH c = category.keys.sort %]
  "[%+ c FILTER js %]" : {
    [% FOREACH s = category.$c.keys.sort %]
      "[%+ s FILTER js %]" : {
        [% IF donames %]
          [% FOREACH n = category.$c.$s.keys.sort %]
            "[% n FILTER js %]": 
             [% category.$c.$s.$n FILTER js %][% ", " UNLESS loop.last %]
          [% END %]
        [% END %]
      }[% ", " UNLESS loop.last %]
    [% END %]
  }[% ", " UNLESS loop.last %]
[% END %] 

[%# Should attempt to preserve selection across invocations @@@ %]
[%# This function takes necessary action on selection of a category %]
function catSelected() {
  var cat = document.chartform.category.value;
  var subcats = series[cat];
  var subcatwidget = document.chartform.subcategory;
  subcatwidget.options.length = 0;
  var i = 0;
  for (x in subcats) {
    subcatwidget.options[i] = new Option(x, x);
  [% IF newtext %]
    subcatwidget.options[i] = new Option("[% newtext FILTER js %]", "");
  [% END %]  
  subcatwidget.options[0].selected = true;
  if (document.chartform.action[1]) {
    [%# On the query form, select the right radio button. %]
    document.chartform.action[1].checked = true;

[%# This function updates the disabled state of the two "new" textboxes %]
function checkNewState() {
  var fm = document.chartform;
  if (fm.newcategory) {
    fm.newcategory.disabled = 
                       (fm.category.value != "" || 
                        fm.action[1] && fm.action[1].checked == false);
    fm.newsubcategory.disabled = 
                    (fm.subcategory.value != "" || 
                     fm.action[1] && fm.action[1].checked == false);

[%# Block for SELECT fields - pinched from search/form.html.tmpl            #%]

[% BLOCK series_select %]
  <td align="left">
    <label for="[% %]" accesskey="[% sel.accesskey %]">
      <select name="[% %]" id="[% %]"
              size="[% sel.size %]" style="width: 15em"
              [%+ "onchange='$sel.onchange'" IF sel.onchange %]>
        [% FOREACH x = ${}.keys.sort %]
          <option value="[% x FILTER html %]"
            [% " selected" IF default.${} == x %]>
            [% x FILTER html %]</option>
        [% END %]
        [% IF newtext %]
          <option value="">[% newtext FILTER html %]</option>
        [% END %]
[% END %]