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format_comment.txt.tmpl 1.73 KB
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  # file, You can obtain one at
  # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
  # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

[%# NOTE: Everywhere you use this template, you must call 
  # "FILTER remove('^X')" on the result. This is unfortunately the only way
  # to preserve leading whitespace in comments.

  #   comment: A Bugzilla::Comment object.
  #   is_bugmail: boolean; True if this comment is going into a plain-text
  #               bugmail.

[%# Please don't use field-descs here. It can slow down Bugzilla. %]

[% SET comment_body = comment.body %]

[% IF comment.type == constants.CMT_DUPE_OF %]
X[% comment_body %]

*** Эта [% terms.bug %] признана повтором [% terms.bug_gen %] [%+ comment.extra_data %] ***
[% ELSIF comment.type == constants.CMT_HAS_DUPE %]
*** [% terms.Bug %] [%+ comment.extra_data %] признана повтором этой [% terms.bug_gen %]. ***
[% ELSIF comment.type == constants.CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED %]
Создано приложение [% comment.extra_data %]
[% IF is_bugmail %]
  --> [% urlbase _ "attachment.cgi?id=" _ comment.extra_data _ "&action=edit" %]
[% END %]
[%+ comment.attachment.description %]

[%+ comment.body %]
[% ELSIF comment.type == constants.CMT_ATTACHMENT_UPDATED %]
Комментарии к приложению [% comment.extra_data %]
[% IF is_bugmail %]
  --> [% urlbase _ "attachment.cgi?id=" _ comment.extra_data %]
[% END %]
[%+ comment.attachment.description %]

[%+ comment.body %]
[% ELSE %]
X[% Hook.process('type') %]
[% END %]